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SAP 한국 커뮤니티

02-1.     What happens when the above program component is executed? (S)

DATA: itab TYPE tt_spfli.

Parameters: pa_carr TYPE spfli-carrid.




SELECT * FROM spfli INTO TABLE itab WHERE carrid = pa_carr.

-- If the user does not have the relevant authorizations in his or her master record, the system leaves the current event block directly after the AUTHORITY-CHECK command and jumps to the next event block. In this case, the SELECT statement is not executed.

-- If the user does not have the relevant authorizations in his or her maser record, the SELECT statement is not executed, since in this case, the AUTHORITY-CHECK always terminates the program automatically.

-- Regardless of whether or not the user has the relevant authorizations in his or her master record, the SELECT statement is executed and the data read from the database.


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