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SAP 한국 커뮤니티

80문제짜리 정리하는데 땀돌이님 덤프랑 답이 차이나는 것이 있어서 올려봅니다.



1(8). Which of the following statements about internal tables is correct?(T/F) C 확실한테 E 답인지???

- Key access to an internal table of the type STANDARD generally has even less runtime comsumption than index access.

- Index access to an internal table of type SORTED will, in certain cases, violate the sort sequence.

- Access to nested internal tables using field symbols usually increase performance.

- Index access to an internal table of the type HASHED has less runtime consumption.

- You can perform a binary search on internal tables of the type SORTED using the addition   BINARY SEARCH only.


2(12). Which of the following events generate lists?(T/F) B 확실한데 E 답인지???







3(23). For which tasks is the database interface responsible?(T/F) B, E 확실한테 D 답인지???

- Syntax check of "native" SQL commands.

- Conversion of Open SQL statement from ABAP statements into the corresponding database statements.

- Data consistency check with respect to foreign key relationships.

- Database independence of application programs.

- Usage of the SAP buffers.


4(25). What is allowed within class definitions?(T/F) D,E 확실한테 A 답인지???

- Typing with LIKE to ABAP Dictionary types.

- The definition of internal tables with header lines.

- The TABLES statement.

- The definition of initernal tables without header lines.

- Typing with TYPE to ABAP Dictionary types.


5(28). Using the statement CREATE OBJECT you can instantiate objects of a class. What situations can arise here?(T/F) A,B 확실한테 D 답인지???

- All objects of the same class contain the same number of attributes and methods after being created.

- You can preset different objects of a class with different values immediately whe they are being created.

- The contents of the attributes of different objects in a class always contain the same content or value  immediately after being created.

- You define the type and number of attributes of an object through the corresponding class.


6(32). Which of the following statements apply to the SAP grid control?(T/F) D 확실한테 B 답인지???

- Can only be implemented in module pools.

- Can only display single-line lists.    

- Cannot print data.                     

- Provides standard functions such as sorting.

- Can only display structures from the Dictionary.


7(43). which of the following steps should be carried out in a transaction that implements an updating technique?(T/F) A,B,C,D 답인지? A,D,E 답인지?

- Call the ABAP command COMMIT WORK.

- Unlock the data record that is to be updated

- Lock the data record thea is to be update.

- Read the data record thata is to be update.

- Pass the changes entered by the user to the update process


8(59). You want to oupput the string "Name:" in line 20, column 10 on the first page of a list, and the string "Address" immediately below it, the page should otherwise remain blank (no header). Which of the following reports can you use to achieve this?(T/F) D 확실한테 B 답인지???


skip to line 20. position 10. write:/ "Name:", /"Address".


skip to line 20. position 10. write:/ "Name:", /"Address:" under "Name".


 skip to line 20. position 10. write / "Name:", write /"Address:".


 skip to line 20. position 10. write:/ "Name:", /10 "Address:".


 skip to line 20. position 10. write:/ "Name:", "Address" under "Name".


9(66). Which of the following statements about pushbuttons are correct? Pushbuttons... C,D 확실한테 B 답인지???

- ..on a screen alwyas have a corresponding function key.

- ..in an application toolbar always have a corresponding function key.

- ..with function code E cause program terminateion.

- ..in an application toolbar always have a fuction code.


10(82). Which statements about parameters for an elementary search help apply?(T/F)C 확실한테 A,D 답인지???

- Parameters can be displayed ont the result list.

- Parameters must be fields from the selection method only.

- Import paramters control which data can be included in the data selection.

- Export parameters control which data can be returned to the input template.

- A parameter is either an import or an export parameter

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