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SAP 한국 커뮤니티

Syntax Checker

소주와 막걸리 2009.11.13 20:02 조회 수 : 13786

This program syntax checks all your code and returns an ALV grid detailing all the syntax failures. A second ALV grid allows you to drill down to the source code in question and modify the problem code.

We developed this program to help us develop our solutions, especially when we migrated to OO development. The amount of times we modified a class or method and inadvertently broke calling programs or methods made us think that there had to be a better an more reliable solution for testing dependant calls.

The syntax checker borrows functionality form the standard SAP syntax checker and also the SAP Unicode check program. You can check programs against the Unicode compiler and also scours programs for obsolete upload/download function modules.


Syntax checks the following:

  • Programs
  • Function Modules
  • Global Classes
  • Packages

Searches for obsolete functions:

  • Upload
  • Download
  • Ws_upload
  • Ws_download

출처: www.dalestech.com