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ㅋㅋ SAP FI 모듈에서 Hold data 기능을 이용할려고 그 필드에서 Hold 아이콘을 눌렀는데


에러 메시지가 뜨네요


Held documents must be converted; read long text
Message no. F5 410

The structure of the document data has changed in the meantime. Before new documents can be held or held documents can be processed, the documents held up to now must be converted.

The conversion of the held documents is carried out by report RFTMPBLU . For larger data volumes (more than a couple of hundred held documents), the report should be planned as a batch job.

The conversion of held documents is generally supported for documents which were entered in release 1.3A or later.

A conversion of older held documents is not possible. You must delete these documents with the report RFTMPBLD . Afterwards, you must start the report RFTMPBLU to activate the version management for held documents.

If only small datasets are to be converted or deleted, you can carry out the action in another window and after completing the action, continue the current processing.


SAP 사용을 많이 해보지 않아  이런 메시지가 왜 발생하는지 모르겠네요! ㅜㅜ



고수님들 좀 해결방법 좀 알려주세요 ^^

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