06-1. Which of the following events are suitable for the generation of lists? (T/F)
-Ⅹ- GET events
--> 3번째 문장 initialiazation은 정답이 아닌지 궁금합니다.
06-1. Which of the following statements apply to the SAP grid control? (T/F)
-Ⅹ- Can only be implemented in module pools.
-◎- Can only display single-line lists.
-Ⅹ- Cannot print data.
-◎- Provides standard functions such as sorting.
---> 두번째 문장에서 싱글라인 리스트만 보여준다는 것이 맞는 말인지 잘모르겠어요.
06-29. A logical database has four nodes altogether. First you have the root node node_00. Underneath the root node, you have node_01 and then node_02 arranged in such a way so that they belong the same hierarchy level. In addition, node_02 has a hierarchically dependent node node_21. You have the following statement in the program ‘nodes” (S)
A. The event is not executed.
B. The event is executed only if no data record in found for node_00.
C. The event is executed each time after the event GET node_02.
D. The event is executed, each time all the dependent data record for a node_00 data record have been delivered into the program.
--> 위의 문제에서 정답이 D가 아닌지 궁금합니다.
06-1. 은 문제의 의도가 무엇인지 잘 모르겠습니만 답은 1번인거 같습니다.
06-1 두번째 문제는 1,4번 맞고 나머지는 틀립니다.
06-29번은 어떤 명령어를 수행한것인지 문제에 안나와있네요?