02-1. Which statements on function modules are correct? (M)
-◎- Function modules are embedded in a function group. (T)
-◎- You can encapsulate screen sequences using function groups and function modules.) (T)
-◎- Function modules can have an interface. Which can contain IMPORT and EXPORT parameters. Optional parameters can be used.(T)
-Ⅹ- The additions to the CALL FUNCTION statements specify at runtime whether actual parameters are to be filled or not.(F)
-Ⅹ- Function modules are edited in the class builder (F)
==>위의 문제에서 두번째문장이 옳은 문장인지 궁금합니다.
01-1. Dispatcher 가 task를 initialization시 수행하는 작업을 모두 고르시오 ?
-◎- reading profile parameters
-☎- creating and initializing semaphores
-☎- generating roll areas
-◎- starting work processes
-◎- logging on to the message server
02-1. Global memory ID)’xx’ to be lost is cause this event? (m)
-Ⅹ- call transaction
-Ⅹ- leave to transaction
-☎- Exp Mem
-☎- Imp Mem
-Ⅹ- Submit and return
==>위의 두문제에서는 녹색으로 표시된 부분의 문장이 참인지 거짓인지 잘 모르겠어요.
2-10 in program A. function module F is called from function group G for the first time. Which of the following statements is correct? (S)
-◎- The code of the entries function group G is loaded into the roll area.
-Ⅹ- The global data from A can be accessed in F.
-Ⅹ- A and F have common work areas for dictionary tables.
-Ⅹ- Function module F is called in a separate internal session
==> 위의 문제에서 정답이 1번이 아니라 3번 같은데..좀 헷갈리네요.
2-10 정답은 3번이 맞는데 1번과 4번은 생각해볼 답안이네요