11. Under which cicumstances is module with the addition ON CHAIN-INPUT executed?(single selection)
When exactyly one field within the CHAIN has a value other than its initial value.
B. When a new entry has been made for at least one field within the CHAIN.
C. When a new entry has been made for all fields in the chain.
D. When ths value of at least one field within CHAIN is other than its initial value.
on chain-input은 chain ~ endchain으로 묶여 있는 필드에 초기값이 아니면 그 프로세스를 타게 되어 있습니다.
다만 on chain-request 와 chain-input이 다른점은 input은 초기값이 아닌 값이 들어 있으면 엔터키를 칠때마다
그 프로세스를 타게 되지만 request는 값이 변경될때만 프로세스를 타게 됩니다.
(help 참조 ==> These conditions make sense only within chains using the CHAIN and ENDCHAIN statements. They check the individual conditions ON INPUT or ON REQUEST for all screen fields that are specified so far within the current chain after FIELD. The dialog module is called if at least on of the screen fields fulfills the respective condition.