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브라우저를 닫더라도 로그인이 계속 유지될 수 있습니다. 로그인 유지 기능을 사용할 경우 다음 접속부터는 로그인할 필요가 없습니다. 단, 게임방, 학교 등 공공장소에서 이용 시 개인정보가 유출될 수 있으니 꼭 로그아웃을 해주세요.
샤샨 2015.04.14 20:28 조회 수 : 2418
BLPK 테이블에서 처리유형 필드에서 ㅎㅎ
BLPK에서 처리유형 AS가 뭔지 궁금해서 남겨봅니다 ㅎㅎ..
처리유형 혹시 다른것도 알고 계신거 있으시면 좀 가르쳐주시면 더 감사하고요 ㅎㅎ
답변부탁드립니다. ㅎㅎ
2015.04.22 02:32
BLPK-VAART를 말씀하시는 것이면 아래와 같습니다.
백플러시 처리 유형
Key that identifies the processing type of the backflush in repetitive manufacturing.
first column:
B : Backflush Goods receipt, goods issue and activity backflush
N : Reprocessing eprocessing unprocessed or incorrect backflushes
Z : Reporting point backflush Goods issue for reporting point
R : Goods receipt now, and goods issue later Post GR immediately and
create reprocessing records for goods issue items.
C : Resetting reporting points Posting reporting point quantity to scrap
S : Reversal
E : High-performance backflush
A : Only activity posting
U : Unplanned consumption message
V : Scrap message
W : Activity posting reporting point
X : Unplanned consumption message reporting point
Y : Scrap message reporting point
I : Activity posting according to last reporting point
J : Unplanned consumption message according to last reporting point
K : Scrap message according to last reporting point
H : HU backflush
second column:
- on reporting point backflush (choose 'Z' in the first column) to scrap:
S : scrap at reporting point on assembly level
B : scrap up to reporting point on assembly level
Z : excess component consumption at reporting point with activities
댓글 수정 삭제
BLPK-VAART를 말씀하시는 것이면 아래와 같습니다.
백플러시 처리 유형
Key that identifies the processing type of the backflush in repetitive manufacturing.
first column:
B : Backflush Goods receipt, goods issue and activity backflush
N : Reprocessing eprocessing unprocessed or incorrect backflushes
Z : Reporting point backflush Goods issue for reporting point
R : Goods receipt now, and goods issue later Post GR immediately and
create reprocessing records for goods issue items.
C : Resetting reporting points Posting reporting point quantity to scrap
S : Reversal
E : High-performance backflush
A : Only activity posting
U : Unplanned consumption message
V : Scrap message
W : Activity posting reporting point
X : Unplanned consumption message reporting point
Y : Scrap message reporting point
I : Activity posting according to last reporting point
J : Unplanned consumption message according to last reporting point
K : Scrap message according to last reporting point
H : HU backflush
second column:
- on reporting point backflush (choose 'Z' in the first column) to scrap:
S : scrap at reporting point on assembly level
B : scrap up to reporting point on assembly level
Z : excess component consumption at reporting point with activities