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유용한 Abap Sample Package

양키(이경환) 2014.04.01 05:25 조회 수 : 7122 추천:1

SZPR/3 Central Basis Development: Dialog Boxes...Demo programs showing how to use Dialog Boxes in Reports
SWDP_TESTWeb Dynpro: TestsMany many useful Web Dynpro applications, illustrate UI elements usage and important concepts in Web Dynpro
SWDP_DEMO_TUTORIALSWebdynpro Demo ApplicationDemo Web Dynpro Application concepts with Flight Booking system, Quiz System
SWDP_DEMOWebdynpro Demo ApplicationContains many useful Web Dynpro applications that illustrate essential UI elements in Web Dynpro
SOFFICEINTEGRATIONPlatform- and application-indep. Office integrationOLE. I haven't had chance to work with Office Integration.
SLISGeneric list typesContains pretty much useful and detail example with using ALV (REUSE_ALV_* and CL_GUI_ALV_GRID)
SIXML_TESTXML Parser and RenderDemo program showing how to use class CL_IXML to parse XML file and create XML object
SGRCABAP Graphics Development: Network, Bar ChartDemo programs showing how to use ABAP Graphics
SEU_TREE_CONTROLOO Framework for Tree ControlI haven't had chance to work with Tree Control object.
SDW4Packages for Demo Center from tCode DWDMPrograms that demonstrates objects in Control Framework (I havent had much opportunities to use it in Production)
SBCOMSBusiness Communication ServiceDemo programs showing how to use class CL_BCS to send documents (e.g. email)
SALV_WD_TESTSALV WD TestTest applications showing how to use SALV in Web Dynpro
SALV_OM_OBJECTSALV Object Model Basis ClassesContains pretty much useful and detail example with using SALV (CL_SALV_TABLE)
SABAPDEMOSDemos for ABAP DocumentationMany programs that demonstrate ABAP language concepts from ABAP Documentation
BC470Training Course: BC470 - SAP Smart FormsContain programs that demonstrate Smartforms
BC427BC427 Training ObjectsContain programs that demonstrate Enhancement Framework concepts (Classic BADI, New BADI, etc.)
BC417SAP Training: BC417Contain programs that demonstrate BAPI concept
BC412Course BC412: ABAP Dialog Program with EnjoySAP ControlsContain programs that demonstrate concepts in Dialog Programming
BC405Training Course BC405: List Creation and QueryContain programs that demonstrate concepts in Report Programming (e.g. ALV, Report Event, Logical Database)
BC401Course: BC401 - ABAP Objects.Contain programs that demonstrate some OO concepts in ABAP.
BC400Training: BC400 - ABAP Workbench: Concepts and Tools.Contain programs that show some fundamental concepts of ABAP
APB_FPM_DEMOFloorplan Manager (Examples and Demo applications)Demo applications for FPM to show concepts of Guided Activity Floorplan (GAF), Object Instance Floorplan (OIF)