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SAP 한국 커뮤니티

매우 간단한 덤프문제 질문입니다~

Sprite 2007.03.29 07:19 조회 수 : 2600 추천:157

1.       Given that customer has modified an SAP object, which activities are required at a release upgrade or when applying a support package? (M)

A.       The modified object must be adjusted during the upgrade process if SAP delivers a new version of the object.

B.       No manual operations are necessary. Everything is performed automatically.

C.      All correction that have been delivered with the upgrade(or support package) must be released and confirmed before starting the upgrade.

D.      ABAP dictionary tables, data elements, and domains are adjusted during the upgrade.

E.       ABAP dictionary objects are not handled separately.



2.       Which statements are allowed if you are working with an internal table of the type sorted? (M)

A.       APPEND.

B.       COLLECT

C.      SORT

D.      READ

E.       MODIFY.


이 두 문제 답이 뭔가요,,??

다른 덤프와 답이 달라서.. ㅠ_ㅠ


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