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SAP 한국 커뮤니티

마이클잭슨 Ben 감상하세요.

양키 2013.01.21 08:34 조회 수 : 6330

ben, the two of us need look no more

we both found what we were looking for

with a friend to call my own

I'll never be alone

and you my friend will see

you've got a friend in me
( you've got a friend in me )

Ben, you're always running here and there
( here and there )

you feel you're not wanted anywhere
( anywhere )

if you ever look behind

and don't like what you find

there's something you should know

you've got a place to go
( you've got a friend in me )

I used to say, ' i ' and ' me '

now it's ' us ' now it's ' we '
(i used to say, ' i ' and ' me '
now it's ' us ' now it's ' we ')

Ben, most people would turn you away

I don't listen to a word they say

they don't see you as i do

I wish they would try to

I'm sure they'd think again

if the had a friend like ben
( a friend )

like ben


( like ben )

like ben

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