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SAP 한국 커뮤니티

ABAP in Eclipse

worldquest 2012.06.07 02:55 조회 수 : 6619

오랜만에 포스팅합니다.


얼마전 파일럿으로 진행됐던 이클립스 기반의 아밥툴에 관한 피드백이 올라왔네요..


CTS+, NWDI 등등 이클립하신 분들은 편하실듯....파일럿 끝나면 GA가...오나요 ?


The top features from the participants’ point of view are:

  • Mature code completion (also for ABAP commands and DDIC object names)
  • Parallel development in several ABAP backend systems with display and edit of multiple ABAP development objects in multi-tab editor
  • Better usability and user friendliness (e.g. better “felt” response times for editor tasks like activate/save/navigate/code formatting etc.)
  • Compare source code versions across different ABAP systems
  • Fast Search for ABAP Development Objects (running in background)
  • Code information about ABAP objects
  • Source code templates
  • Outline View of components and sub-components
  • Local refactoring support (e.g. rename, clean-up unused variables)

The missing features and shortcomings (unranked) from the participants’ point of view are:

  • Best practices for traditional ABAP developers used to the ABAP Workbench (e.g. how to use 'proven' tools / techniques in Eclipse)
  • Need to use integrated in Eclipse SAP GUI window for Data Dictionary and Web Dynpro for ABAP tools
  • Some functionalities are partly accessible in Eclipse and partly in SAP GUI
  • More enhanced and automated code completion (e.g. show parameter and return values for methods, open automatically during typing )
  • Access to the most important lifecycle management services (CTS)
  • Support of modifications and enhancements scenarios
  • Global refactoring support (e.g. rename for report or class, change package assignment)
  • More templates for new objects
  • Handling for texts (e.g.message texts, T100 texts etc.)







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