REPORT z17_19.
data gt_itab type table of sflight.
data gr_table type ref to cl_salv_table.
data gr_functions type ref to cl_salv_functions_list.
data gr_container type ref to cl_gui_custom_container.
data ok_code type syucomm.
select * from sflight into table gt_itab
up to 25 rows.
call screen 100.
*& Module 0100_PBO OUTPUT
* text
module 0100_pbo output.
set pf-status '0100'.
if gr_container is not bound.
*1. 컨테이너 생성
create object gr_container
container_name = 'CONTAINER'.
*2. ALV 테이블 및 데이터 전달
r_container = gr_container
container_name = 'CONTAINER'
r_salv_table = gr_table
t_table = gt_itab ).
*3. ALV 기본 기능 버튼 설정
gr_functions = gr_table->get_functions( ).
* gr_functions->set_default( ).
gr_functions->set_all( abap_true ).
include <icon>.
data : l_icon type string.
l_icon = icon_refresh.
name = 'REFRESH'
icon = l_icon
text = 'REFRESH'
tooltip = 'REFRESH'
position = if_salv_c_function_position=>right_of_salv_functions
*4. ALV 호출
gr_table->display( ).
endmodule. " 0100_PBO OUTPUT
*& Module 0100_PAI INPUT
* text
module 0100_pai input.
case ok_code.
when 'BACK' or 'EXIT' or 'CANC'.
set screen 0.
leave screen.
endmodule. " 0100_PAI INPUT
댓글 0
번호 | 제목 | 글쓴이 | 날짜 | 조회 수 |
651 | REPORT z17_21 . | sapjoy | 2012.08.02 | 2512 |
650 | REPORT z17_20 | sapjoy | 2012.08.02 | 2907 |
» | REPORT z17_19 | sapjoy | 2012.08.02 | 2451 |
648 | REPORT z17_18 . | sapjoy | 2012.08.02 | 2353 |
647 | REPORT z17_17 . | sapjoy | 2012.08.02 | 2212 |
646 | REPORT z17_16 . | sapjoy | 2012.08.02 | 2196 |
645 | REPORT z17_15 . | sapjoy | 2012.08.02 | 2485 |
644 | REPORT z17_14 . | sapjoy | 2012.08.02 | 1717 |
643 | REPORT z17_13 . | sapjoy | 2012.08.02 | 1436 |
642 | REPORT z17_12 . | sapjoy | 2012.08.02 | 969 |
641 | REPORT z17_11 . | sapjoy | 2012.08.02 | 940 |
640 | REPORT z17_10 . | sapjoy | 2012.08.02 | 990 |
639 | REPORT z17_09 . | sapjoy | 2012.08.02 | 964 |
638 | REPORT z17_08 . | sapjoy | 2012.08.02 | 1000 |
637 | REPORT z17_07 . | sapjoy | 2012.08.02 | 1092 |
636 | REPORT z17_06 . | sapjoy | 2012.08.02 | 869 |
635 | REPORT z17_05 . | sapjoy | 2012.08.02 | 1089 |
634 | REPORT z17_04 . | sapjoy | 2012.08.02 | 1030 |
633 | REPORT z17_03. | sapjoy | 2012.08.02 | 917 |
632 | REPORT z17_02 . | sapjoy | 2012.08.02 | 909 |