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SAP 한국 커뮤니티


sapjoy 2009.02.02 20:54 조회 수 : 2705

//Importing the required classes:

import com.sap.rfc.*;
import com.sap.rfc.exception.*;
import com.ibm.sap.bapi.*;
import com.ibm.sap.bapi.generated.*;

//Connecting to the R/3 System:

static private IRfcConnection establishConnection(MiddlewareInfo aMiddlewareInfo)

throws JRfcRemoteException


IRfcConnection aConnection = null ;

ConnectInfo aConnectInfo = null ;

UserInfo aUserInfo = null ;

String orbServerName = aMiddlewareInfo.getOrbServerName() ;

boolean bAdjusted = true;

if (!bAdjusted) {

throw (new JRfcRfcConnectionException (

"Please adjust the Connection-Parameters to your
needs! (See method "establishConnection")"));


//Connection information:
//SAP  시스템 정보 세팅

aConnectInfo = new ConnectInfo (

3, // int aRfcMode 3=R/3 or 2=R/2  => SAP R3 세팅.

null, // String aDestination

"", // String aHostName YOUR HOSTNAME (e.g. IP-
//address) => IP 주소

0, // int aSystemNo YOUR SYSTEM-NUMBER = >시스템 번호

null, // String aGatewayHost

null, // String aGatewayService

null, // String aSystemName

null, // String aGroupName

null, // String aMsgServer

false, // Boolean isLoadBalancing

true); // Boolean isCheckAuthorization

//User information:
//사용자정보 세팅

aUserInfo = new UserInfo (

"MUSTER", // String aUserName, YOUR USERID => 사용자ID

"IDES", // String aPassword, YOUR PASSWORD => 비밀번호

"800", // String aClient, YOUR CLIENT NUMBER => 클라이언트

"e", // String aLanguage, YOUR PREFERRED  => 로그온 언어

1103); // int aCodePage YOUR REQUIRED CODEPAGE

//Technical conversion for the selected middleware;
// Open connection:

IRfcConnectionFactory aConnectionFactory = FactoryManager.getSingleInstance().getRfcConnectionFactory() ;

aConnection = aConnectionFactory.createRfcConnection(aConnectInfo, aUserInfo) ;

aConnection.open() ;

//Returning the connection:

return aConnection ;


//Calling the main method:

public static void main (java.lang.String[] args)

//Setting up the connection using the selected middleware:


MiddlewareInfo aMiddlewareInfo = new MiddlewareInfo(args) ;

FactoryManager aFactoryManager = FactoryManager.getSingleInstance() ;

aFactoryManager.setMiddlewareInfo(aMiddlewareInfo) ;

//Initializing the connection object:

IRfcConnection aConnection = null ;



aConnection = establishConnection(aMiddlewareInfo) ;


catch (Exception ex)


System.out.println("ERROR : Could not create connection : " + ex) ;

System.exit(-1) ;


System.out.println("Connection established.");

// --- TEST CODE (start) --------------------------------------



printList(aConnection) ;

//Calling the BAPI:

//Declare an empty Object ID for the Business Object
// [그림 6-5-2]에서 본 BAPI Object를 사용 Object name = CompanyCode

objectId = CompanyCode.getEmptyObjectId() ;

//Entering a value in the object ID:
//[그림 6-5-3]에서 본 Key 필드 COMPANYCODEID에 기본값 1000을 세팅함

objectId.getKeyField("COMPANYCODEID").setString("1000") ;

//Instantiate the object CompanyCode with the object ID:

companyCode = new CompanyCode(objectId) ; // Create 2nd

System.out.println ("Successfully created new CompanyCode : '" + companyCode + "'") ;

printDetails(companyCode, aConnection) ;


// --- TEST CODE (end) ----------------------------------------

catch (Exception ex)


System.out.println ("Unexpected exception occurred:");

System.out.println (ex);



private static void printDetails(CompanyCode companyCode, IRfcConnection connection)




//Declare the parameters of the BAPI CompanyCode.GetDetail:
//[그림 6-5-2]에서 본 CompanyCode Object에 속해 있는 GetDetail Method 선언

CompanyCodeGetdetailParams aCompanyCodeGetdetailParams =

new CompanyCodeGetdetailParams() ;

//Aufruf des BAPI CompanyCode.GetDetail auf die Objektinstanz:

companyCode.getdetail(connection, aCompanyCodeGetdetailParams);

//Splitting the parameter object into its separate components
// 결과값 Bapi0002_2 구조체를 선언하고 값을 받아온다.

Bapi0002_2Structure struct = aCompanyCodeGetdetailParams.getCompanycodeDetail() ;

System.out.println ("The details of the companycode are : ") ;

//Splitting the structure into individual fields:

System.out.println ("CompCode : '" + struct.getCompCode() + "'");

System.out.println ("CompName : '" + struct.getCompName() + "'");

System.out.println ("City1 : '" + struct.getCity() + "'");

System.out.println ("Country1 : '" + struct.getCountry() + "'");

System.out.println ("Currency : '" + struct.getCurrency() + "'");

System.out.println ("Langu1 : '" + struct.getLangu() + "'");

System.out.println ("ChrtAccts : '" + struct.getChrtAccts() + "'");

System.out.println ("FyVariant : '" + struct.getFyVariant() + "'");

System.out.println ("VatRegNo : '" + struct.getVatRegNo() + "'");

System.out.println ("Company : '" + struct.getCompany() + "'");

System.out.println ("AddrNo : '" + struct.getAddrNo() + "'");

System.out.println() ;


catch (Exception ex)


System.out.println("Exception in printDetails() : " + ex) ;




private static void printList(IRfcConnection connection)




//Declaring the parameter object:
// CompanyCode Object에 속해 있는 Getlist Method 선언

CompanyCodeGetlistParams aCompanyCodeGetlistParams =

new CompanyCodeGetlistParams() ;

//Actual BAPI call:
// getlist BAPI Method 호출

CompanyCode.getlist(connection, aCompanyCodeGetlistParams);

//Splitting the parameter objects into its separate components
// 결과값 Bapi0002_1 테이블을 선언하고 값을 받아온다.

Bapi0002_1Table table = aCompanyCodeGetlistParams.getCompanycodeList();

int rowCount = table.getRowCount() ;

System.out.println ("Returned table has " + rowCount + " lines.");

//Evaluating the table row by row:

for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++)


Bapi0002_1TableRow row = table.getRow(i) ;

System.out.println("t" + row.getCompCode() + "t" + row.getCompName()) ;


System.out.println() ;


catch (Exception ex)


System.out.println("Exception in printList() : " + ex) ;





번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
331 REPORT zsapgos_002. sapjoy 2009.02.12 2459
330 REPORT ZSAPGOS_001. sapjoy 2009.02.12 2481
329 FUNCTION Z_BAPIALE_SEND. sapjoy 2009.02.10 2425
328 REPORT zale_001 . sapjoy 2009.02.10 2474
327 REPORT ZBAPI_002. sapjoy 2009.02.10 2592
326 FUNCTION Z_BAPI_REQ_FUNCLOC. sapjoy 2009.02.05 2424
325 REPORT ZBAPI_ALE sapjoy 2009.02.05 2337
» zbapi_java sapjoy 2009.02.02 2705
323 FUNCTION Z_BAPI_ASSETNAME_SEARCH sapjoy 2009.01.31 2899
322 REPORT z18_003 sapjoy 2007.03.06 3284
321 REPORT ZSMARTFORMS_07. sapjoy 2009.01.22 2393
320 REPORT zBADI_FIND sapjoy 2009.01.16 2736
319 REPORT ZBADI_003. sapjoy 2009.01.15 2405
318 REPORT zbadi_002. sapjoy 2009.01.10 2548
317 REPORT zbadi_001 sapjoy 2009.01.07 2529
316 doi_excel.xls file sapjoy 2008.12.26 2180
315 report zsapdoi_005. sapjoy 2008.12.26 2982
314 report zsapdoi_004. sapjoy 2008.12.26 2940
313 report zsapdoi_003. sapjoy 2008.12.26 2573
312 report zsapdoi_002. sapjoy 2008.12.26 4408