Short text
Field symbol has not yet been assigned.
What happened?
Error in the ABAP Application Program
The current ABAP program "SAPLSLVC" had to be terminated because it has
come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.
Error analysis
You attempted to access an unassigned field symbol
(data segment 32821).
This error may occur if
- You address a typed field symbol before it has been set with
- You address a field symbol that pointed to the line of an
internal table that was deleted
- You address a field symbol that was previously reset using
UNASSIGN or that pointed to a local field that no
longer exists
- You address a global function interface, although the
respective function module is not active - that is, is
not in the list of active calls. The list of active calls
can be taken from this short dump.
Trigger Location of Runtime Error
Include LSLVCF36
Row 3,267
Module type (FORM)
Source Code Extract
Line SourceCde
3237 alv_style_align_center_top.
3238 endif.
3240 append ls_lvc_data to ct_lvc_data.
3241 endif.
3243 ************************************
3244 * Column per Fieldcat Entry
3245 ************************************
3246 loop at it_fcat_local assigning <ls_fcat>.
3247 clear: ls_lvc_data-href_hndl,
3248 ls_lvc_data-drdn_hndl,
3249 ls_lvc_data-style,
3250 ls_lvc_data-style2,
3251 ls_lvc_data-style3,
3252 ls_lvc_data-style4,
3253 ls_lvc_data-maxlen.
3255 clear: lt_color_lvc, lt_color_slis.
3257 add 1 to ls_lvc_data-col_pos.
3259 if not <ls_fcat>-indx_field is initial.
3260 assign component <ls_fcat>-indx_field
3261 of structure <ls_data> to <l_field_value>.
3262 else.
3263 assign component <ls_fcat>-fieldname
3264 of structure <ls_data> to <l_field_value>.
3265 endif.
>>>>> macro_cell_data_get
3268 <ls_fcat>
3269 <ls_data>
3270 <l_field_value>
3271 ls_lvc_data-value.
3273 *>>> new API
3274 if ir_salv_adapter is bound.
3275 clear ls_lvc_data-style.
3277 * color
3278 if g_gui_type ne 1.
3279 if <ls_fcat>-key eq abap_true.
3280 ls_lvc_data-style = alv_style_color_int_key.
3281 elseif l_style_color is initial
3282 and ( <ls_fcat>-emphasize is initial or
3283 <ls_fcat>-emphasize = '$' ).
3284 if <ls_stin>-counter is initial.
3285 ls_lvc_data-style = alv_style_color_normal.
3286 else.
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