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SAP 한국 커뮤니티


문의 드립니다.. 답변 부탁드려요 ㅠㅠ



Note 3502  < 에서


The maximum number of extents of a table was exceeded.


1. With SAPDBA means
The SAPDBA method is more comfortable, since it is done via menus. However, it presupposes a thorough understanding of the ORACLE DB.
Follow the menu with the following options:
d - Reorganization
b - Alter/show table or index storage parameters
h - Table/index name:
s - Alter/show parameters
If the value for MAXEXTENTS here is at 300, this value can be increased
to 500. You can do this when the system in running; the table is to be
reorganized at the next available opportunity.
If the value is already 500, reorganization must take place right away.
This can also be done with SAPDBA, but the SAP system must be stopped.
You have the following options:
d - Reorganization
c - Reorganize single table or index



<< 이 같은 작업..

bc에서 진행하는것이 맞지요?


sap 개발자가 따로 수정해 줄수 있는건 없지요?






번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
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