gd_layout-box_fieldname = 'SEL'로하고 더블클릭 이나 back을 누르면 에러가 나는데...
왜그럴까요? 뭘 잘못 한지 모르겠네요. 'SEL'옵션을 넣지 않으면 어떤 이벤트도 잘 됩니다.
답변 부탁드립니다.
<에러 메세지>
Short text
Error at assignment: Overwritten protected field.
What happened?
Error in the ABAP Application Program
The current ABAP program "SAPLSLVC_FULLSCREEN" had to be terminated because it
come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.
Error analysis
A new value is to be assigned to the field "
entirely or partly protected against changes.
The following are protected against changes:
- Character literals or numeric literals
- Constants (CONSTANTS)
- Parameters of the category IMPORTING REFERENCE for functions and
- Untyped field symbols not yet assigned a field using ASSIGN
- TABLES parameters if the actual parameter is protected against changes
- USING reference parameters and CHANGING parameters for FORMs, if the
actual parameter is protected against changes and
- Accesses using field symbols if the field assigned using ASSIGN is
protected (or partially protected, e.g. key components of an internal
table with the type SORTED or HASHED TABLE) against changes
- Accesses using references, if the field bound to the reference is
protected (or partially protected) against changes
- External write accesses to READ-ONLY attributes,
- Content of a shared object area instance accessed using a shared lock
* e-abap님에 의해서 게시물 이동되었습니다 (2010-07-07 23:42)
댓글 6
2010.07.02 03:04
Emily S. Kang
2010.07.02 19:13
DATA : fieldcatalog TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv WITH HEADER LINE,
gd_tab_group TYPE slis_t_sp_group_alv,
gd_layout TYPE slis_layout_alv,
gd_event TYPE slis_t_event,
gd_repid LIKE sy-repid.
데이터 선언은 이렇게 했는데, 여기에 선언하라는 말씀인가요? 제가 초보라 잘 모르겠네요 ㅎㅎㅎ;;;
2010.07.02 19:17
헙..ALV에 보여질 데이타가 들어있는 Internal table
Emily S. Kang
2010.07.02 23:06
오~ 됐습니다.
왜그런거죠? ㅎㅎ
어쨌든 너무너무 감사합니다. ^^
Emily S. Kang
2010.07.02 23:10
근데 이거 완료 처리 어떻게 하는거에용? ㅡ.ㅡ -
2010.07.06 17:10
아래 종료버튼 누르세요..
ALV Internal 테이블 선언 부분에서 다음의 필드 추가해 주세요
Sel type c
하시면 될겝니다.