db_link된 데이터는 se11에서 확인이 불가능 하나요?
댓글 3
2010.02.11 17:49
2010.02.13 00:44
How do you access an external database from ABAP via DBLINK (ORACLE)?
1. Using transaction SE11, create a table (ZTABLE) with the same fields as the table in the
external database, make sure that the type and lengths of the fields are identical.
2. Using transaction SE11, create a view (ZTABLE_VIEW, projection view) using BASIS table ZTABLE
3. Using SVRMGRL>
create dblink REMOTE_DB as connect to remote_user identified by password; (database link created)
drop table ZTABLE; (table dropped)
create synonym ZTABLE for ZTABLE@REMOTE_DB; (synonym created)
4. Using transaction SE16 , type in ZTABLE_VIEW and hit RETURN
5. Enter value in key fields and hit execute. (displays rows from the remote table)
http://www.erpgenie.com/pm-sapfunc-512/2-ABAP/94 -
2010.06.05 20:33
호 이런 방법도 있었네요..
정말 감사합니디ㅏ.
SE11에서는 확인 안되는걸로 알고 있습니다.