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<img src=2.gif>GUI_DOWNLOAD 로 다운받은 파일에서 한글이

뿌꾸뿌꾸 2010.01.05 20:43 조회 수 : 3294

a펑션에서   'POS_SA_GET_DOCUMENT_STATUS' 펑션을 콜 하게 되면 아래와 같은 덤프가 발생하게 됩니다..

펑션에서 콜펑션은 안되는 건가요~? 아니면 다른 문제인 걸까요? ㅠㅠ



          DOCNUM            = T_ZSDT028-IDOCN
          MESTYP            = 'WPUBON'
          SNDPRN            = T_ZSDT028-WERKS
          VERARBEND         = VERARBEND
          T_FOLDOC          = T_FOLDOC   "대금청구문서
          IDOC_NOT_EXIST    = 1
          FOREIGN_LOCK      = 2
          RANGE_NOT_EXIST   = 4
          OTHERS            = 5.





Runtime errors         CALL_FUNCTION_CONFLICT_TYPE
Exception              CX_SY_DYN_CALL_ILLEGAL_TYPE
       Occurred on     2010.01.05 at 11:21:40

Type conflict when calling a function module.

What happened?

Error in ABAP application program.

The current ABAP program "SAPLZSD_POS " had to be terminated because one of the
statements could not be executed.

This is probably due to an error in the ABAP program.

A function module was called incorrectly.

What can you do?

Print out the error message (using the "Print" function)
and make a note of the actions and input that caused the

To resolve the problem, contact your SAP system administrator.
You can use transaction ST22 (ABAP Dump Analysis) to view and administer
 termination messages, especially those beyond their normal deletion


Error analysis

An exception occurred. This exception is dealt with in more detail below
. The exception, which is assigned to the class 'CX_SY_DYN_CALL_ILLEGAL_TYPE',

* e-abap님에 의해서 게시물 복사되었습니다 (2010-01-09 13:43)
* e-abap님에 의해서 게시물 이동되었습니다 (2010-01-09 13:57)
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