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2022년 SD (TS462_2022)덤프 문제 문의

제제311 2023.09.17 08:19 조회 수 : 236

22년 덤프 중에 몇개 문제가 헷갈려서...

각 덤프에서 답들이 다르게 나와서..

어떤게 맞는지 의견 부탁드려요

미리 감사 드립니다!

모두들 좋은 결과 있으세요!


NO.16 When a user creates a sales order with reference to a quotation, a header text must be automatically copied from the sold-to party if it cannot be found in the quotation, If it is copied from the sold-to party, it must be in the sold-to party language, What must you do? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question. 

 A. Assign an appropriate text type to sales document type,

 B. Assign the text determination procedure to sales document type, 

 C. Ensure that the access sequence reads the sold-to party text first,

 D. Include the text type with an appropriate access sequence in the text determination procedure, E. In the access sequence, set the partner function language for this text to "sold-to party"


답이 A,B,D 인지 B,C,D 인지 헷갈려요.. 의견 부탁드려요



NO.34 Which of the following settings are required to be able to deliver a product? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question,

 A. You need to set up copying control in Logistics Execution System for the item category,

 B. You need to set the Item Relevant for Delivery indicator in the item category,

 C. You need to set the schedule lines allowed indicator in the item category,

 D. You need to set up the item category as relevant for delivery related billing,


답이  B,C 인지, C, D 인지 헷갈려... 의견 부탁드립니다.



NO.35 You are analyzing an order that shows the same material twice: once in the main item and once in the sub item. What function can cause this behavior? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.

 A. Free goods

 B. Material determination

 C. Item proposal

 D. Material listing


답이 A,B 인것 같은데.. C,D 라는 것도 있어서 맞는지 의견 부탁드립니다.


NO.59 To which elements do you assign a partner determination procedure? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.

  A. Business partner category

  B. Delivery item category

  C. Account group

  D. Delivery type


답이 C,D 인것 같은데..  A,C 라는 곳도 있어서 의견 부탁드려요 



NO.64 You want to ensure that only complete sales documents can be saved How can you achieve this?

  A. Set the No Change Possible flag in the partner determination procedure of the sold-to party,

  B. Set dialogue message for incompletion flag in the configuration for the relevant sales document types,

  C. Activate the General option in status groups used in checks for sales document header fields,

  D. Assign an incompleteness procedure to all schedule line categories used in sales. 


답이 B 인것 같은데 D 라는 곳도 있어서 의견 부탁드려요




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