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SAP 한국 커뮤니티

[요청]Trial 인스톨 시 에러... 도와주십시오.

bi 2009.01.16 19:11 조회 수 : 1350


아밥퍼 여러분, 이게 무슨 에러인지 알려주십시오.

자료실의 pdf 설명 파일에 나온 'Java어쩌고~' 두 가지도 모두 깔았습니다만...

어찌된 일인지 에러가 나네요. 윈도우를 다시 깔아야 하는 것일까요?



SAPinst is getting started.
Please be patient ...

starting gui server process:
  sapinstport: 21200
  guiport    : 21212
  command    : "C:j2sdk1.4.2_08;binjavaw.exe" -cp "C:/DOCUME~1/LEEGIJ~1/LOCALS~1/Temp/sapinst_exe.2044.1232068004jarinstgui.jar;C:/DOCUME~1/LEEGIJ~1/LOCALS~1/Temp/sapinst_exe.2044.1232068004jarinqmyxml.jar" -Xmx256M -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true SDTServer config=jar:sdtserver.xml guiport=21212 sapinsthost=localhost sapinstport=21200

The process that should run the GUI Server could not be started.
 Please make sure that a JDK is installed on this host and that SAPINST_JRE_HOME points to the root
 directory of your Java installation. As an alternative you may start the GUI Server on another host
 (for details please consult the installation guide).

103 controller.errorStartingGuiWindows  1580
Exit status of child: 1

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