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[요청]덤프 질문 모음입니다. 꼭 봐주세용

얄리뽕다 2008.12.21 22:40 조회 수 : 1380

06-3.    Which of the following events generate lists?(T/F)







06-4.    Which of the following events are suitable for the generation of lists? (T/F)





-- GET events



06-29.   A logical database has four nodes altogether. First you have the root node node_00. Underneath the root node you have node_01 and then node_02 arranged in such a way so that they belong to the same hierarchy level. In addition, node_02 has a hiearchically dependent node, node_21. You have the following statements in programs: NODES.(single selection)

-- The event is executed each time all the dependent data records for a node_00 data recorded have been delivered into the program.

-- The event is executed each time after the event GET node_02.

-- The event is not executed.

-- The event is executed only if no data recorded is found for node_00.





07-13.   You branch from transaction A to transaction B with the statement LEAVE TO TRANSACTION B. Which of the following statements is true?

-- An internal system session is opened for transaction B.

-- The LEAVE statement can be used to return from transaction B to A.

-- The data from transaction A can be accessed in B.

-- Transaction A can pass on to using EXPORT TO MEMORY.

-- Transaction A can pass on to using SET PARAMETER.


07-14.   The statement CALL TRANSACTION B is processed in transaction A. Which of the following statements applies?

-- Transaction B is called in the same system session as A.

-- You cannot return from transaction B to transaction A.

-- The data from transaction A can be accessed in B.

-- Transaction A can pass data on to B using EXPORT TO MEMORY.

-- The two transactions together A and B form one SAP LUW.




07-17.   Where can you find the set/get parameter ids that have been assigned to a screen field?

-- In table TPARA

-- In the object list of the module pool

-- In the F1-help for the screen field under Technical Info

-- In the field list of the screen in Screen Painter

-- In the window with possible entries.



07-1.    DIALOG화면에서 INPUT FILED AA PARAMETER ID 알수 있는 방법들은?  (3가지?)


07-47.   Module program 에서 자동으로 제공해 주는 것음?( m) 답없음.

보기 a. Scroll function  b. Title  c. F4 help



08-4.    What can you do to undo database changes executed beforehand in a dialog? (T/F)

-- Output a termination message.

-- Analyze the log record.

-- Output an error message.

-- Perform a ROLLBACK WORK.

-- Raise an exception.



08-5.    What must you do to undo database changes previously issued in a dialog? (S)

-- Output an error message.

-- Perform a ROLLBACK WORK.

-- Raise an exception.

-- Analyze the log record.




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