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[요청]덤프 질문 모음입니다. 꼭 봐주세용

얄리뽕다 2008.12.21 22:39 조회 수 : 1462 추천:1

제가갖고있는 덤프에서

답이 안나온 것들과 답이 이상한 것들입니다.

고수 아밥퍼님들, 정답좀 알려주십쇼!!

(전화기 모양은 작성자도 답인지 아닌지 모른다는 의미)

답이 이상한것들이 꽤 있어요!


01-15.   Dispatcher task initialization 수행하는 작업을 모두 고르시오 ?

-- reading profile parameters

-- creating and initializing semaphores

-- generating roll areas

-- starting work processes

-- logging on to the message server




02-52.   다음 internal table 대해 틀리게 설명하고 있는 것은? (멀티)

-- data object that allow user to retain several data records with the Different structure in memory

-- internal tables attributes are line-type, key definition, database

-- internal tables can sort data from database table for process

-- internal tables structure and format is for input

-- tables format data for use by other service





02-66.   Global memory ID)xx to be lost is cause this event? (m)

-- call transaction

-- leave to transaction

-- Exp Mem

-- Imp Mem

-- Submit and return





04-6.    Typing is not always necessary in ABAP, for example, for interface parameters of a subroutine. Which of the following statements applies to ABAP objects?(single selection)

-- Typing is imperative for interface parameters of a method belonging to an ABAP objects class.

-- To simplify writing the software and design it clearly, you can do without typing altogether within the ABAP object classes.

-- If you have numeric interface parameter in an ABAP Objects class. you can do without typing.




04-24.   You want to develop an application with dynamic elements. Which of the statements are correct? (T/F)

-- You can access variables created using CREATE DATA only using field symbols.

-- You can use the CREATE DATA statement to create variables at program runtime.

-- You can use the CREATE TYPE statement to create data types at program runtime.

-- Data type cannot be created or constructed at program runtime.

-- The runtime type services classes enable type information to be determined at program runtime.




04-38.   다음 상속(inheritance) 불가능한 것은 어느 것인가? (다음 하위 클래스를 생성할 없는 것은 어떤 인가? (멀티)







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