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[요청]certi 덤프 관련해서 질문 합니다.

Helloseok 2008.12.19 06:02 조회 수 : 1264

01-15.     Dispatcher task initialization 수행하는 작업을 모두 고르시오 ?

-- reading profile parameters

-- creating and initializing semaphores

-- generating roll areas

-- starting work processes

-- logging on to the message server


 답이 1,4번 아닌가요?


03-1.     You want to develop an application that reads data from the SAP database. Since the application is runtime critical, you want to read buffered data, as fast as possible. The table is to be set up in such a way that single records are buffered. Which of the following statements, however, always bypass the buffer? (T/F)

-- Use of subqueries in the WHERE condition

-- SELECT with aggregate functions

-- Use of a JOIN in the SELECT statement

-- The SELECT SINGEL statement

-- Use of the IN operator in the WHERE condition


덤프에는 1,3이 T라 나와있지만 1,2,3,5가 T아닌가요?


04-1.     다음 상속(inheritance) 불가능한 것은 어느 것인가? (다음 하위 클래스를 생성할 없는 것은 어떤 인가? (멀티)







전부 F라 나와있지만 3,5가 답인거 같은데...


05-1.     The search help function know various link options in the ABAP dictionary. Which of the following statements apply?(T/F)

--  A search help function that is linked to the table field can return values only for the search field i. (field where the f4 help was triggered).

-- A search help function that is linked to the data element can return values only for the search field (field where the f4 help was triggered).

-- If the search help function is linked to the data element as well as to the field. the search help for the field is displayed.

-- If the search help function is linked to a table A. this search help is displayed whenver there are input field from A on the screen.

-- If the search help function is linked to a table A. this search help displayed whenever there are input fields on that screen that have A as the check table.


1,2,3,5가 T라 하는데 전부다 T아닌가요?


고수님들 답변 부탁드립니다.

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