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SAP 한국 커뮤니티


SAP 운영을 맡은지가 얼마 안돼서 어떻게 처리해야 할지 몰라서 올립니다.

집계 쿼리를 아래와 같이 되어 있습니다.


오더에 대한 정산처리 건수를 집계하는 부분입니다.

조회조건의  GR_OBJER 건수가 1만건이 넘어가는 경우에 에러가 납니다. 1만건 이하일때는 정상작동합니다.

달리 처리 할수 있는 방법 없을까요?



      SUM( WTG001 ) AS WTG001   SUM( WTG002 ) AS WTG002
      SUM( WTG003 ) AS WTG003   SUM( WTG004 ) AS WTG004
      SUM( WTG005 ) AS WTG005   SUM( WTG006 ) AS WTG006
      SUM( WTG007 ) AS WTG007   SUM( WTG008 ) AS WTG008
      SUM( WTG009 ) AS WTG009   SUM( WTG010 ) AS WTG010
      SUM( WTG011 ) AS WTG011   SUM( WTG012 ) AS WTG012
      SUM( WTG013 ) AS WTG013   SUM( WTG014 ) AS WTG014
      SUM( WTG015 ) AS WTG015   SUM( WTG016 ) AS WTG016



아래는 오류 메시지 내용 및 시스템 환경 입니다.


** 오류 분석내요 ** 메세지

An exception occurred that is explained in detail below.
The exception, which is assigned to class 'CX_SY_OPEN_SQL_DB', was not caught
procedure "LAST_SELECT_DATA" "(FORM)", nor was it propagated by a RAISING
Since the caller of the procedure could not have anticipated that the
exception would occur, the current program is terminated.
The reason for the exception is:
The SQL statement generated from ABAP/4 Open SQL violates a
restriction imposed by the database system used in R/3.
You can usually find details in the system log and in developer
trace. The following error scenarios may be database-specific:
The maximum size of an SQL statement has been exceeded. In Oracle
6.* this is 8 KB, in Oracle 7.* 64 KB.
The Native SQL statement generated from an ABAP/4 Open SQL statement
must not take up more than the permitted space.



** 오류 수정방버 ** 메세지

 The ABAP/4 Open SQL statement concerned must be divided into several
 smaller units.
 If the problem occurred due to the use of an excessively large table
 in an IN itab construct, you can use FOR ALL ENTRIES instead.
 When you use this addition, the statement is split into smaller units
 according to the restrictions of the database system used.

 If you cannot solve the problem yourself, please send the
 following documents to SAP:

 1. A hard copy print describing the problem.
    To obtain this, select the "Print" function on the current screen.

 2. A suitable hardcopy prinout of the system log.
    To obtain this, call the system log with Transaction SM21
    and select the "Print" function to print out the relevant

 3. If the programs are your own programs or modified SAP programs,
    supply the source code.
    To do this, you can either use the "PRINT" command in the editor or
    print the programs using the report RSINCL00.


4. Details regarding the conditions under which the error occurred
   or which actions and input led to the error.
Internal call code.........: "[RSQL/OPEN/COSP ]"
Please check the entries in the system log (Transaction SM21).


You may able to find an interim solution to the problem
in the SAP note system. If you have access to the note system yourself,
please use the following search criteria:




If you cannot solve the problem yourself, please send the
following documents to SAP:

1. A hard copy print describing the problem.
   To obtain this, select the "Print" function on the current screen.

2. A suitable hardcopy prinout of the system log.
   To obtain this, call the system log with Transaction SM21
   and select the "Print" function to print out the relevant

3. If the programs are your own programs or modified SAP programs,
   supply the source code.
   To do this, you can either use the "PRINT" command in the editor or
   print the programs using the report RSINCL00.

4. Details regarding the conditions under which the error occurred
   or which actions and input led to the error.
The exception must either be prevented, caught within proedure
"LAST_SELECT_DATA" "(FORM)", or its possible occurrence must be declared in the
RAISING clause of the procedure.
To prevent the exception, note the following:



**** 시스템 환경   **********


 SAP-Release 700

 Application server... "s-sap-vt1"

 Operating system..... "Windows NT"
 Release.............. "5.2"
 Hardware type........ "16x AMD64 Level"
 Character length.... 16 Bits
 Pointer length....... 64 Bits
 Work process number.. 9
 Shortdump setting.... "full"

 Database server... "S-SAP-PRD"
 Database type..... "ORACLE"

 Char.set.... "C"

 SAP kernel....... 700
 created (date)... "Jan 29 2007 00:36:16"
 create on........ "NT 5.2 3790 Service Pack 1 x86 MS VC++ 14.00"
 Database version. "OCI_10201_SHARE ( "


Patch level. 95
Patch text.. " "

Database............. "ORACLE 9.2.0.*.*, ORACLE 10.1.0.*.*, ORACLE 10.2.0.*.*"
SAP database version. 700
Operating system..... "Windows NT 5.0, Windows NT 5.1, Windows NT 5.2"

Memory consumption
Roll.... 16192
EM...... 29328880
Heap.... 0
Page.... 49152
MM Used. 8456624
MM Free. 4109824



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