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[요청]사용자 유형에 관해서 질문드립니다.^^;

hccpi 2008.11.06 05:18 조회 수 : 2536

사용자 유형이라는게 있더군요.

총 5가지가 있던데요. (시스템,통신,참조,다이얼로그,서비스)

다이얼로그가 일반적인 사용자계정의 타입인것은 알겠는데

나머지는 그 차이점을 잘 모르겠네요.

F1을 눌러봐도 패스워드변경주기 적용/미적용, 사용자가 직접로그온 가/불

외에는 모르겠네요. 혹시 사용자 유형에 대해서 좀더 상세히 알수 있을까요?^^

답변 부탁드립니다~

어디로 올릴지 몰라서 ABAP Q&A로 올립니다~



아래의 글은 사용자 유형에 대한 SAP의 도움말입니당~

User type

Dialog 'A'

A normal dialog user is used by exactly one person for all logon types.

Dialog logons are checked for obsolete/initial passwords which must be changed.

Multiple dialog logons are checked and logged.

System 'B'

Use the user type System for dialog-free communication within one system. (for RFC or CPIC service users) or for background processing in one system.

Dialog logon is not possible.

A user of this type is excluded from the standard settings for password validity period. The password can only be changed by user administrators or in transaction Su01 (Goto -> Change Password)

Communication 'C'

Use the user type Communikation for dialog-free communication between systems (for RFC or CPIC service users of different applications, for example, ALE, Workflow, TMS ZBV).

Dialog logon is not possible.

Service 'S'

A user of type Service is a dialog user available to a large anonymous set of users. It usually has closely-restricted authorizations.

Service users are e.g. used for anonymous system access via an ITS service. You can change a session which began as an anonymous session with a service user into a personal session under a dialog user with an individual authentification.

There is no check for obsolete/initial passwords at logon. Only the user administrator can change the password.

Multiple logon is allowed.

Reference 'L' A Reference user is a general impersonal user like the Service user. You cannot logon with a Reference user. The Reference user is to give Internet users identical authorizations.

You can specify a Reference user for additional dialog user authorizations, in the Roles tab. The application generally controls the assignment of Reference users. The name of the Reference user can be assigned in variables which should begin with "$". The assignment variable-Reference user is made in the transaction SU_REFUSERVARIABLE.

This assignment applies to all systems in a CUM landscape. If the assigned Reference user does not exist in a CUM subsidiary system, the assignment is ignored.


Use the user type System for dialog-free communication between systems (for RFC or CPIC service users) or for background processing in a system. Dialog logon is not possible.

A user of this type is excluded from the general password validity period settings. The password can only be changed by the user administrator in the transaction SU01 under Goto -> Change Password.

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