SAP 640 설치했구요.
아무 프로그램이나 실행해보려고 F8누르면 팝업창이 뜨면서 덤프화면으로 바뀌네요.
'...SapWorkDirab4_datasettings.xml not found.' 라는 메세지가 계속 뜨네요.
레지스트리까지 삭제하고 재설치를 몇번이나 해봐도 같은 문제가 발생합니다.
재설치하면 'ab4_data' 폴더는 생성되지 않는데 이걸 따로 설치를 하는건지요?
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2) 두번째 팝업
3) 덤프화면으로 이동
Runtime Errors MESSAGE_TYPE_X
Date and Time 08-21-2008 10:29:29
Short text
The current application triggered a termination with a short dump.
What happened?
The current application program detected a situation which really
should not occur. Therefore, a termination with a short dump was
triggered on purpose by the key word MESSAGE (type X).
What can you do?
Note down which actions and inputs caused the error.
To process the problem further, contact you SAP system
Using Transaction ST22 for ABAP Dump Analysis, you can look
at and manage termination messages, and you can also
keep them for a long time.
Error analysis
Short text of error message:
Control Framework : Error processing control
Long text of error message:
An error occurred when the system tried to process the commands
from the Automation Queue on the presentation server.
There are several possible reasons for this:
- The installation of the SAP GUI on the presentation server is
faulty or obsolete.
- There is an error in the application program
- There is an error in the SAPGUI or an integrated control
1. Make sure that you have imported the appropriate Support
Package, the current kernel, and GUI patch for the release of your
2. Check whether the error occurs locally on one or a few PCs, or
generally on all PCs. Note whether the error only occurs for some
users, for example because of a specific Customizing setting.
If it only occurs locally, this suggests an installation problem
with the PC. Check the installation; if necessary, reinstall the
software. In the dump, search for the SY-MSGLI field, since it may
point to the cause of the error.
3. Activate the Automation Trace (in accordance with SAP Note
4.Start the transaction and continue until the screen immediately
before the dump.
5. From the System -> Utilities menu, choose Autom. Queue,
Synchronous Processing.
The status bar of the GUI displays the text:
"Automation synchron flush mode on"
6. If you now proceed with the application, the short dump will
display the ABAP call that caused the error; the Automation Trace
will contain the error on the presentation server.
7. If necessary, load the short dump and trace files on to
sapservX, so that SAP can analyze them.
답변주시는 분이 없어서.. 쩝...
710 설치하니까 되네요.