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ABAP certi 문제 질문입니다..

오디세우스 2012.04.05 22:46 조회 수 : 5175

certi문제 풀다가 ...헷갈리는 문제가 몇 개 있어서 여쭤봅니다... 멀티형문제입니다...고수분들 도움 부탁드려요

1. How is the Structure Adjusted, Which statements are correct? 

(1) By deleting the database table and creating it again

(2) If data exists in the table, there is an attempt to adjust the structure with

    ALTER TABLE       

(3) If the table does contain any data, it is deleted in the database and created

Again with its new structure

(4) By changing the database catalog (ALTER TABLE)

(5) By converting the table


2. Which statements are correct for Append Structures?

(1) Like all structure, and append structure defines a type that can’t be used in ABAP programs.  

(2) An append structure is a structure that is assigned to many tables.

(3) Append structures permit you to append customer fields to a SAP standard table

Without having to modify the table definition

(4) You can define foreign keys for fields that already exist in the table using an append structure

(5) There can be several append structures for a table


3. Which statements are correct for Technical Settings?

(1) The technical settings are used to individually optimize the storage requirement and accessing behavior of database tables

(2) You need not maintain the technical settings when you define a transparent table in the ABAP Dictionary         

(3) The table is automatically created on the database when it is activated in the ABAP Dictionary

(4) The settings for buffering define whether and how the table should be buffered

(5) You can define whether changes to the table entries should be logged.

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