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BC [re] [요청]Runtime analysis 측정오류(SE30)

인생은... 2008.05.20 14:51 조회 수 : 8557 추천:6

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Note 170470 - SE30/SAT: Measurement could not be completed (error no. 5)



The following error occurs when you use the runtime analysis (SE30 or SAT)
"The measurement could not be terminated (error no. 5)".


Other terms

ABAP, runtime analysis


Reason and Prerequisites

Errors may occur during a measurement using the runtime analysis (SE30) when the ABAP statements (or events) are logged. In this case, the trace operation is ended and the error message described above appears.
You can obtain more detailed information as follows, depending on whether
you are in SE30 or SAT:
- SE30:
  Choose "File info..." or
  "Other file" on the SE30 initial screen. The dialog box
  "Measurement data files" contains the "Status" and "Error text" columns, which
  provide additional information on the error scenario.
- SAT:
  The list of available measurements displays the status of the relevant measurement
  in yellow to indicate that an error has occurred,
  A dialog box appears when you try to analyze this measurement.
  The "Status" and "Error text" rows display additional information
  on the error situation.
The runtime measurement status may have the following values:

  • Time limit reached
    The maximum permissible trace duration was exceeded.

  • File size reached
    The maximum permissible trace file size was exceeded.

  • Error in measurement
    In this case, the error text contains a more precise error description. The error scenarios listed may include:

    • Runtime error (RABAX) occurs in the mode measured in parallel

      "...RABAX occurred."
      Occasionally, the error text may be blank in this case (corrected with 4.6D patch level 119)

    • Memory shortage
      "...Unable to allocate ..."
      "...Unable to resize ..."

    • Error accessing the trace file
      "...Unable to open trace file.
      "...Unable to write trace file.

    • Error when compressing the trace data
      "...Error during compress ..."

    • Inconsistent sequence of trace records
      "...Trace level stack empty ..."
      "...Trace level stack not empty ..."
      "...Record mismatch ..."
      "...Unclosed record" ..."
      "...Unable to write trace file.


Depending on the error scenario, proceed as follows:

  • Time limit reached
    Increase the maximum execution time on the tab to "Duration+Type" in the measurement restrictions variant and repeat the measurement.

  • File size reached
    Increase the maximum trace file size on the "Duration+Type" tab in the measurement restrictions variant and then repeat the measurement.

  • Error in measurement

    • Runtime error occurs
      Eliminate the runtime error and repeat the measurement.

    • Memory shortage
      Repeat the measurement. If the same error occurs in this case, you must check whether enough roll memory is available.

    • Error accessing the trace file
      Make sure that the trace file exists and that sufficient disk storage space is available. Then repeat the measurement.

    • Error during compression of trace records/inconsistent sequence of trace data

      These are SAP errors.
      If you are using an R/3 kernel with release version 4.6A, make sure that it contains at least patch 48 "SE30: avoid errors during measurement".

      The following additional errors are corrected by kernel patches:

      - Incorrect trace record sequence with SET TITLEBAR
        The error text contains, for example:
          "Record mismatch. ON STACK ID=Z, SUBID=T,"
         The error is corrected with kernel patch 795 for
        Release 4.6D

      - Incorrect trace record sequence with LEAVE statement
        The error text contains, for example:
          "Trace level stack empty. Current record: ID=J, SUBID=P,"
        The error is corrected using the following kernel patches:
          4.6D: Kernel patch 818
           6.10 : Kernel patch 580
           6.20 : Kernel patch 179.

      - Incorrect trace record sequence on native SQL statements
         The error text contains, for example:
          "Record mismatch. ON STACK..."
         The error is corrected with kernel patch 891 for
         Release 4.6D

      - Incorrect trace record sequence with LOOP...RETURN...ENDLOOP.
        The error text contains, for example:
          "Record mismatch. ON STACK..."
         The error is corrected with kernel patch 479 for
        Release 6.10.

      - Incorrect trace record sequence with output of a warning message
        during INITIALIZATION.
         The error is corrected with kernel patch 1259 for
         Release 4.6D

      - Incorrect trace record sequence when a message appears that
         was caught with EXCEPTIONS ERROR_MESSAGE.
        The error is corrected with kernel patch 1259 for
        Release 4.6D, and kernel patch no. 426 for Release 6.20.

      - Incorrect trace record sequence with RECEIVE RESULTS.
        The error text contains, for example:
         "... mismatch. ON STACK ID=F, SUBID=, Text=RFC_EXEC_FORM"
        The error is corrected in kernel release versions 4.6D, 6.20 and
        6.40 with the kernel patch containing the text
          "SE30: Avoid error nr 5 in case of asynchronous RFC"

      - Incorrect trace record sequence when you call
          the TH_REDISPATCH function module.
        The error text contains, for example:
          "Record mismatch. ON STACK ID=C, SUBID=P, Text=ThWpInfo"
        The error is corrected in kernel release versions 4.6D, 6.20 and
        6.40 with the kernel patch containing the text
          "SE30: Avoid error nr 5 in case of asynchronous RFC"

      - Incorrect trace record sequence while you process
        a message dialog box.
         The error text contains, for example:
          "Record mismatch..."
          The error is corrected in kernel release versions 4.6D, 6.20 and
          6.40 with the kernel patch containing the text
          "SE30: Avoid error nr 5 in case of I-Message"

      - Incorrect trace record sequence for CALL TRANSACTION USING.
        The error text contains, for example:
        "Trace level stack empty. Current record: ID=J, SUBID=P".
         The error is corrected in 6.20, 6.40 and 7.0 with the
         kernel patch containing the text
        "SE30: Avoid error nr 5 for CALL TRANSACTION USING".

      - Incorrect trace record sequence when you quit a
        report transaction using LEAVE SCREEN.
        The error text contains, for example, "Trace level stack empty.
        Current record: ID=J, SUBID=M, Text=LEAVE SCREEN.".
         The error is corrected in 6.20 with the
         kernel patch containing the text
        "SE30: Avoid error nr 5 for CALL TRANSACTION USING".
        and in 6.40 and 7.0 by the kernel patch with the text
        "SE30: Avoid error nr 5 in case of LEAVE SCREEN".

      - Incorrect trace record sequence with statement COMMIT in
          connection with CALL TRANSACTION_USING
        "Trace level stack not empty while leaving mode.
          Top entry: ID=S, SUBID=W, TEXT="
         The error is corrected in Releases 6.40 and 7.0 with the
         kernel patch containing the text
        "SE30: error nr.5 in case of XTC_DISPATCH/COMMIT"
        (Patch numbers: 6.40: 93 and 7.0: 26).

      - Incorrect trace record sequence when you execute an
         XSLT  program
         "Record mismatch. ON STACK ID=C, SUBID=P, Text=XTC_DISPATCH"
        The error is corrected in Releases 6.40 and 7.0 with a kernel patch
         (patch numbers: 6.40: 93 and 7.0: 112).

      - Incorrect trace record sequence for a dynamic ASSIGN
        "Record mismatch. ON STACK ID=Z, SUBID=A, ..."
         The error is corrected in Releases 6.40 and 7.0 with the
         kernel patch containing the text
        "ATRA patch collection 1/2007"
         (Patch numbers: 6.40: 178 and 7.0: 105).

      - Incorrect trace record sequence
          "Record mismatch ..." or "Trace level stack ..."
        and in the measurement variants,
        the system removes individual statements on the "Statements" tab page that
        belong to the following areas:
          "Modularization units"
          "Programs/Transactions/C routines"
        The error is corrected in Releases 6.40 and 7.0 by the kernel patch with the
         text "ATRA patch collection 1/2007"
        (Patch numbers: 6.40: 178 and 7.0: 105).

      - Incorrect trace record sequence for the RAISE statement
        if a loop through an internal table is open.
          "Record mismatch. ON STACK ID=F, SUBID= ,...
          CURRENT ID=T, SUBID=L, Text="
         The error is corrected in Releases 6.40 and 7.0 by the kernel patch with the
        "ATRA: error nr 5 in case of RAISE and open itab loop"
         (Patch numbers: 6.40: 185, 7.0: 112).

      - Incorrect trace record sequence if the exception occurs
         COMMUNICATION_FALURE during an RFC call
        "Record mismatch. ON STACK ID=U, SUBID=D,..."
        The error is corrected in Releases 6.40 and 7.0 by a kernel patch
         (Patch numbers: 6.40: 185, 7.0: 112).

      - Incorrect trace record sequence for the SORT statement if
         the table is empty or if an exception occurs.
        "Record mismatch. ON STACK ID=T, SUBID=S ,..."
        In 7.0, the error is corrected with patch level 151.

      - The trace record sequence is incorrect when you use the input help.
         The program name SAPLWDTM is specified at the beginning of the error text.
         In Releases 6.40, 7.0, and 7.10, the error is corrected with a kernel patch.

        Patch numbers:  6.40: , 7.0: 156, 7.10:

      - The trace record sequence is incorrect when an E message or A Message is executed that was caught using EXCEPTIONS ERROR_MESSAGE

        In Releases 6.40, 7.0, and 7.10, the error is corrected with the
         kernel patch containing the text
         "SE30: error no. 5 in case of EXCEPTIONS ERROR_MESSAGE"

         Patch numbers:  6.40:  , 7.0: 156, 7.10:


>  일부 프로그램만 실행을 시키면 측정오류가 발생합니다.

>   에러 메세지는 아래와 같습니다.



측정을 종결할 수 있습니다 (오류번호 Error when Measuring)

>메시지 번호 S7068



>See note 170470


System Response

>See note 170470



>See note 170470


>노트를 확인했는데 정확히 모르겠더군요....모든 프로그램이 그런것도 아니고 아무래도 프로그램 쪽에

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