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SAP 한국 커뮤니티


김태은 2007.06.07 14:31 조회 수 : 1940 추천:107

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덤프마다 답들이 달라서 요 며칠째 고생중입니다.


혹시 다음 문제들에 대한 답을 가르쳐주실 수 있으시거나,

최근 덤프가 있으신분은 taenny@hotmail.com으로 보내주시면 감사하겠습니다.

업무에 집중하다보니, OOP쪽은 공부가 소홀해서 너무 걱정이 되네요.




Using the statement CREATE OBJECT you can instantiate objects of a class. What situations can arise here?(T/F)

             - All objects of the same class contain the same number of attributes and methods after being created.

             - You can preset different objects of a class with different values immediately whe they are being created.

             - The contents of the attributes of different objects in a class always contain

                the same content or value  immediately after being created.

             - You define the type and number of attributes of an object through the corresponding class.


A logical database has four nodes altogether. First you have the root node node_00. Underneath the root node you have node_01 and then node_02 arranged in such a way so that they belong to the same hierarchy level.

 In addition, node_02 has a herearchicallydependent node, node_21.

You have the following statements in programs: NODES.(single selection)

             - NODE_00, Node_02 Node_21.

             - NODE_00, Node_02.

             - NODE_00, NODE_01 Node_02.   


A logical database has four nodes altogether. First you have the root node node_00. Underneath the root node you have node_01 and

then node_02 arranged in such a way so that they belong to the same hierarchy level.

 In addition, node_02 has a herearchically

dependent node, node_21. You have the following statements in programs: NODES.(single selection)

             - The event is executed each time all the dependent data recoreds for

                 a node_00 data recored have been delivered into the program.

             - The event is executed each time after the event GET node_02.

             - The event is not executed.

             - The event is executed only if no data recored is found for node_00.



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