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Automated Note Search & Customer Code Detection

소주와 막걸리 2011.04.27 22:24 조회 수 : 6352


Automated Note Search & Customer Code Detection II (release 2.0)
Carlos Martinez Escribano SAP Employee Active Contributor Silver: 500-1,499 points
Business Card
Company: SAP
Posted on Jan. 24, 2011 04:10 PM in ABAP, ERP, SAP Research, Search, Software Support and Maintenance

After publishing the blog Automated Note Search and Customer Code Detection, on 16.12.2020 a great expectation around the new application was created and we received many positive comments as well as requests for piloting. Now, we are ready to release a new version 2.0 with some new functionalities that will be described through this blog. We also fixed some minor bugs detected by our pilot customers.

What's new?

I will mention here just the major changes. A more detailed description will be provided in the corresponding pilot note:

1. New layout for the notes result list:

The new ALV layout allows to sort the note list e.g. by priority and also set a filters.

This is the old html layout: 




And this is the new ALV layout:



From the note list, you can directly download the note and go to the SNOTE transaction to implement the note.

You can also filter and sort by the available fields: Priority, Note Number..


2. Customizing tables list

When there aren't any notes available to solve an issue, it may happen that there is customer code involved. This can be identified with the "Customer Code" option, however the customizing tables can also affect how a transaction works and what seems to be a bug turns out to be a customizing issue that is solved by changing customer seetings.

A new option is available by clicking on the icon "Customizing tables":





You will get a list af the customzing tables involved in the process grouped by application component in a tree list.




By clicking on the table name, you will be directed to transaction SM30 with the name of the table filled. Then you can get a list of the available views by clicking on the "Find maintenance views" icon available in SM30 and change your settings if necessary.



4. Open Trace option (Reuse test cases)


Once an issue is reproduced with the tool, you can reuse the trace to search notes again. This means that for example, the application user can reproduce the issue and an expert technical consultant can use the trace to search notes. Or perhaps try to search notes a week later when some more notes may be available.

Click on the following icon to use this option:




And to finish... a practical  tip...

When you reproduce an issue, make sure you run the process with the minimum possible steps to minimize the number of objects collected in the trace and avoid extra unrelevant notes in the result list.


출처 : http://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/scn/weblogs?blog=/pub/wlg/23126


※ 곧 release 3.0  릴리즈 된다고 합니다.

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