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SAP 한국 커뮤니티

오더 상태 테이블

sapjoy 2006.12.12 21:12 조회 수 : 7253 추천:49

tables: aufk                     "Order master data
           jest,                     "Object status
           tj02t.                   "Status Description

*  Order Status - To Retrieve & Filter
select stat from jest
               where objnr = aufk-objnr  " objnr means object no
                   and stat in ('I0012', 'I0045', 'I0074', 'I0076')
                   and inact ne 'X'        "Flag: Status inactive
               order by stat.

select single * from tj02t
                where istat = jest-stat
                    and spras = 'E'.