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SAP 한국 커뮤니티

report zunicode_011.

sapjoy 2008.11.21 16:21 조회 수 : 2173

report  zunicode_011.

types: begin of itab_type,
         cont type c length 4,
       end of itab_type.

data: xstr type xstring,
      f1 type c length 20,
      f2 type c length 4,
      f3 type c length 20,
      f4 type c length 4,
      itab type standard table of itab_type,
      itab2 type standard table of itab_type..

f1 = '데이터베이스 버퍼'.
f2 = 'TEST'.
export p1 = f1 p2 = f2 tab = itab to data buffer xstr.

import p1 = f3 p2 = f4 tab = itab2 from data buffer xstr.

write : f3, f4.

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
390 report zunicode_010. sapjoy 2008.11.21 2281
» report zunicode_011. sapjoy 2008.11.21 2173
388 report zunicode_012. sapjoy 2008.11.21 2217
387 report zunicode_013. sapjoy 2008.11.21 2208
386 report zunicode_014. sapjoy 2008.11.21 1735
385 report zunicode_015. sapjoy 2008.11.21 2226
384 report zunicode_016. sapjoy 2008.11.21 2301
383 report zunicode_018. sapjoy 2008.11.21 2224
382 report zunicode_019. sapjoy 2008.11.21 2323
381 report zunicode_017. sapjoy 2008.11.21 2810
380 report zunicode_022. sapjoy 2008.11.21 2611
379 report zunicode_025. sapjoy 2008.11.21 2489
378 report zunicode_026. sapjoy 2008.11.21 2782
377 report zunicode_027. [4] sapjoy 2008.11.21 6262
376 report zunicode_030. sapjoy 2008.11.21 2416
375 report zunicode_031. sapjoy 2008.11.21 2684
374 report zunicode_032. sapjoy 2008.11.21 2634
373 report zunicode_034. [1] sapjoy 2008.11.21 2734
372 report zunicode_035. sapjoy 2008.11.21 2541
371 REPORT ZSMARTFORMS_01. sapjoy 2008.11.26 2582