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SAP 한국 커뮤니티

GUI_DOWNLOAD file_type

sapjoy 2020.01.17 07:26 조회 수 : 2201


'ASC' :

ASCII format. The table is transferred as text. Conversion exits are performed. The output format additionally depends on the parameters CODEPAGE, TRUNC_TRAILING_BLANKS, and TRUNC_TRAILING_BLANKS_EOL.


'IBM' :

ASCII format with IBM codepage conversion (DOS). This format corresponds to the 'ASC' format when using target codepage 1103. This codepage is frequently used for data exchange via floppy disk.


'DAT' :

Column-by-column transfer. With this format, the data is transferred as text as with ASC. However, no conversion exits are performed and the columns are separated by tab characters. This format generates files than can be uploaded again using gui_upload or ws_upload.


'DBF' :

Data is downloaded in dBase format. Since in this format the data types of the individual columns are stored as well, you can often avoid import problems, for example, into Microsoft Excel, especially when interpreting numeric values.


'WK1' :

Data is downloaded in Lotus 1-2-3 format.


'BIN' :

Binary format. Data is transferred binarily. There is no formatting and no codepage conversion. The data is interpreted row by row; it is not formatted by columns. Specify the data length in parameter BIN_FILESIZE. The table should consist of a column of type X, because especially in Unicode systems, the conversion of structured into binary data causes errors.




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