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SAP 한국 커뮤니티

각 업무별 사용 Table 내역

명신용 2007.04.03 11:07 조회 수 : 9063 추천:3

** 각 업무별 사용 Table 내역
1. 자재마스타 관리 Table
2. BOM 관리 Table
3. INFO Record 관리 Table
4. Quota Arrangement 관리 Table
5. Source List 관리 Table
6. Vendor Master 관리 Table
7. Inspection Plan 관리 Table
8. Customer Master 관리 Table
9. Quality Management 관리 Table
10. Kanban Master 관리 Table
11. Purchase Requisition 관리 Table
12. Purchase Order 관리 Table
13. Sales Order 관리 Table
14. SOP (Sales & Operation Planning) 관리 Table
15. Demand Management 관리 Table
16. Work Center 관리 Table
17. Cost Center 관리 Table
18. Routings 관리 Table
19. Complete Confirmation 관리 Table
20. Planned Order 관리 Table
21. Production Order 관리 Table
22. CRP (Capacity Requirement Planning) 관리 Table
23. Reservation 관리 Table
24. 구매조직 관리 Table
25. Storage Loc. 관리 Table
26. 화폐단위 관리 Table
27. Goods Receipt/Issue 관리 Table
28. Message관리 Table
29. Plant 관리 Table
30. User 관리 Table
31. SAP R/3 프로그램 관리 Table (SAP & CBO)
32. SAP R/3 테이블 관리 Table (SAP & CBO)
33. MRP 관련 Table
34. Logistics Invoice Verification 관련 Table.
35. Material Ledger
** 각 업무별 사용 Table 내역

   1. Material  Table
      - MARA       Material Master: General Data
      - MARC       Material Master: C Segment
      - MARD       Material Master: Storage Location/Batch Segment
      - MAKT       Material Descriptions
      - MBEW       Material Valuation
      - MVKE       Material Master: Sales Data
      - MCHB       BATCH STOCKS
      - MARC_WERK 
      - T132       Status definition

   2. BOM  Table
      - MAST : Material to BOM Link
      - STKO : BOM Header
      - STPO : BOM Item
      - STPU : BOM Sub-Item
      - STAS : BOMs - Item Selection

   3. INFO Record  Table
      - A018       Material Info Record
      - EINA       Purchasing Info Record - General Data
      - EINE       Purchasing Info Record - Purchasing Organization Data
      - KONH       Conditions (Header)
      - KONP       Conditions (Item)

   4. Quota Arrangement  Table
      - EQUK       Quota File - Header
      - EQUP       Quota File - Item

   5. Source List  Table
      - EORD       Purchasing Source List

   6. Vendor Master  Table
      - LFA1       Vendor master (general section)
      - LFB1       Vendor master (company code)
      - LFBK       Vendor master (bank details)
      - LFM1       Vendor master record purchasing organization data

   7. Inspection Plan 관리 Table
      - MAPL       Allocation of task lists to materials
      - PLKO       Task list - header
      - PLMK       Inspection characteristic
      - PLMW       MAPL-dependent characteristic values (inspection plan)
      - PLPO       Task list - operation/activity

   8. Customer Master 관리 Table
      - KNA1       General Data in Customer Master

   9. Quality Management 관리 Table
      - MAPL       Allocation of task lists to materials
      - QDQL       Quality level
      - QALS       Inspection lot record
      - QAMR       Characteristic results during inspection processing
      - QAMV       Characteristic specifications for inspection processing
      - QAVE       Inspection processing: Usage decision
      - QMAT       Inspection type - material parameters

  10. Kanban Master 관리 Table
      - PKHD       Control cycle header

  11. Purchase Requisition 관리 Table
      - EBAN       Purchase Requisition
      - EINA       Purchasing Info Record - General Data
      - EINE       Purchasing Info Record - Purchasing Organization Data
      - LFM1       Vendor master record purchasing organization data
      - T001K      Valuation area
      - T001W      Plants/Locations
      - T024E      Purchasing Organizations
      - T160       SAP Transaction Control, Purchasing
      - T161A      Linkage of Requisition Doc. Type to Purchasing Document Type
      - T161W      Order Types for Stock Transfer

  12. Purchase Order 관리 Table
      - EKKO       Purchasing Document Header
      - EKPO       Purchasing Document Item
      - EKET       Delivery Schedules
      - EKBE       History of Purchasing Document
      - EIKP       Foreign Trade: Export/Import He

  13. Sales Order 관리 Table
      - KNA1       General Data in Customer Master
      - VBAK       Sales Document: Header Data
      - VBAP       Sales Document: Item Data
      - VBEP       Sales Document: Schedule Line Data

  14. SOP (Sales & Operation Planning) 관리 Table
      - S076       Sales & Operations Planning
      - S076E      S076 - Structural Information
      - SAUF       SOP Orders
      - P445G      Parameters for PLOB Version_Key Figure
      - P445X      LIS Planning Versions Table
      - P44V       Planning Versions

  15. Demand Management 관리 Table
      - PBIM       Independent requirements for material
      - PBED       Independent requirements data
      - PBHI       Independent requirements history

  16. Work Center 관리 Table
      - CRHD       Work Center Header
      - CRCO       Assignment of Work Center to Cost Center
      - KAKO       Capacity Header Segment
      - KAPA       Shift Parameters for Available Capacity
      - KAZY       Interval of Available Capacity
      - T550A      Daily Work Schedules
      - TC31A      Key for performance efficiency rate

  17. Cost Center 관리 Table
      - CSKS       Cost center master
      - CRCO       Assignment of Work Center to Cost Center   

  18. Routings 관리 Table
      - MAPL       Allocation of task lists to materials
      - PLAS       Task list - selection of operations/activities
      - PLKO       Task list - header
      - PLPO       Task list - operation/activity

  19. Complete Confirmation 관리 Table
      - AFRU       Order completion confirmations


  20. Planned Order 관리 Table
      - PLAF       Planned order
      - MKAL       Production Versions of Material

  21. Production Order 관리 Table
      - AFKO       Order header data PP orders
      - AUFK       Order master data
      - AFPO       Order item
      - AFVV       DB structure of the quantities/dates/values in the operation
      - AFVC       Operation within an order

  22. CRP (Capacity Requirement Planning) 관리 Table
      - KAKO       Capacity Header Segment
      - KBKO       Header record for capacity requirements
      - KBED       Capacity requirements records

  23. Reservation 관리 Table
      - RESB       Reservation/dependent requirements
      - JEST       Object status

  24. 구매조직 관리 Table
      - T024       Purchasing Groups
      - T024D      MRP

  25. Storage Loc. 관리 Table
      - T001L      Storage Locations

  26. 화폐단위 관리 Table
      - TCURX      Decimal places in currencies
      - TCURR      Currency exchange rates

  27. Goods Receipt/Issue 관리 Table
      - MKPF       Header: Material Document
      - MSEG       Document Segment: Material
      - MSLB       Special Stocks with Vendor
  28. Message관리 Table
      - T100       Messages

  29. Plant 관리 Table
      - T001       Company Codes
      - T001W      Plants/Locations

  30. User 관리 Table
      - USR01      User master record (run-time data)
      - USR02      Logon data
      - USR03      User address data
      - USR04      User master authorizations
      - USR05      User Master Parameter ID

  31. SAP R/3 프로그램 관리 Table (SAP & CBO)
      - DD02V      Generated table for view DD02V
      - TRDIR      System table TRDIR

  32. SAP R/3 테이블 관리 Table (SAP & CBO)
      - DD02L      SAP tables
      - DD02T      R/3-DD: SAP Table Texts
      - DD02V      Generated table for view DD02V
      - TADIR      Catalog of R/3 Repository objects

  33. MRP  Table
      - MKPF       Header: Material Document
      - MDSM       Simulative dependent requirements
      - MDTB       MRP table
      - MDTC       Aggregated MRP table items
      - MDVM       Entry in MRP File
      - MDKP       Header data for MRP document

  34. Logistics Invoice Verification  Table.
      - BKPF       Accounting Document Header
      - RBKP       Document header: invoice receipt
      - RBKPB      Invoice Document Header (Batch Invoice Verification)

  35. Material Ledger.
      - MBEW        Material Valuation(valuation type 별 최종단가,수량등보관)
      - MBEWH       Material Valuation: History(월별관리됨, 현재달은 마감후입력

* e-abap님에 의해서 게시물 이동되었습니다 (2007-04-15 20:22)