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ABAP Example

sapjoy 2014.03.24 07:41 조회 수 : 7129

ABAP Keyword Documentation → 

ABAP Examples



ABAP as HTTP Client

ABAP Objects, Classes

ABAP Objects, Events

ABAP Objects, Inheritance

ABAP Objects, Interfaces

ABAP Objects, OO Transaction

ABAP Objects, Overview

Access to the MIME Repository Using ICF

Accessing the MIME Repository from HTTP Service

ADBC, Bulk Access


ADBC, Parameter Binding

ADBC, Prepared Statement

ADBC, Query

ADBC, Stored Procedure

AMC, Sending Messages

AMC, Sending Messages

AMDP, Calling a Further AMDP Procedure

AMDP, Calling a Further Database Procedure

AMDP, Calling a Simple SQLScript Procedure

AMDP, Comparison with Open SQL

AMDP, Filling a Mesh with SQLScript

APC, WebSocket Communication

Arithmetic Calculations

asXML, Deserialization of Structure Components

asXML, Mapping of Anonymous Data Objects

asXML, Mapping of Elementary Data Types

asXML, Mapping of Objects

asXML, Mapping of Qualified Names

asXML, Mapping of Structures

asXML, Mapping of Tables

asXML, Mapping of UUIDs

asXML, Mapping of XML Fragments

asXML, Transformation ID vs. Simple Transformation

Aufruf eines HTTP-Service mit POST-Methode


Bit Functions


Calling a Dialog Module

Calling an HTTP Service

Calling Function Modules

Calling Lists from Dynpro Processing

Changing Multiple Rows in Mesh Paths

Changing Single Rows in Mesh Paths

Character String Functions, cmax, cmin, and segment

Character String Templates, Alignments, and Padding

Character String Templates, Case

Character String Templates, Date Formats

Character String Templates, Number Formats

Character String Templates, Time Formats

Checkpoints and Checkpoint Groups

Comparing Internal Tables

Comparison with Selection Table

Component Operator for Internal Tables

Component Operator for Structures

Component Operator for Table Expression

Component Operator, Assignment Between Arguments

Component Operator, Comparison with FOR Loop

Component Operator, Mapping Rule

Component Operator, Nested Mapping Rule

Component Operator, Reflexive Assignment

Contexts, Message Handling

Control Level Processing

Control Level Processing with Totals

Conversion Costs

Conversion of Integer Numbers to Bytes

Conversion Rules for Structures

Converting Time Stamps

Creating a Data Object as a Shared Object

Creating a Structure Using RTTC

Creating an Instance of a Class as a Shared Object

Creating Elementary Data Objects

Creating Reference Variables

Creating Structured Data Objects

Creating Tabular Data Objects


Decimal Floating Point Numbers, Formatting with STYLE

Deep Data Objects, Memory Consumption

Deleting Multiple Rows in Mesh Paths

Deleting Single Rows in Mesh Paths

Deriving LOB Handle Structures

Deserializing Empty Elements

Deserializing Missing Elements

Determining Data Object Distances

Determining Data Types

Determining Elementary Data Types

Determining Object Types

Dynamic Selections

Dynpro, Dynpro Input Help

Dynpros, Automatic Input Checks

Dynpros, CFW

Dynpros, CFW Events

Dynpros, Checkboxes, and Radio Buttons

Dynpros, Conditional Module Calls

Dynpros, Context Menus

Dynpros, Defining the Cursor Position

Dynpros, Determining the Cursor Position

Dynpros, Dynamic Screen Modifications

Dynpros, Dynpro Sequences

Dynpros, Eingabe in HTML-Datei

Dynpros, Field Help

Dynpros, FIELD Statement

Dynpros, Fields with Reference to ABAP Dictionary

Dynpros, GUI Status, and Function Codes

Dynpros, Holding Data

Dynpros, HTML Browser

Dynpros, HTML from the MIME Repository

Dynpros, Images in HTML

Dynpros, Input Checks in Dialog Modules

Dynpros, Input Checks in the Flow Logic

Dynpros, Input Help from ABAP Dictionary

Dynpros, Input Help in Dialog Modules

Dynpros, List Box with Value List from Input Help

Dynpros, List Box with Value List from PBO Module

Dynpros, Processing Input and Output Fields

Dynpros, Pushbuttons

Dynpros, Simple Module Calls

Dynpros, Splitter Control

Dynpros, Status Icons

Dynpros, Strings

Dynpros, Subscreens

Dynpros, Tabstrips with Scrolling in SAP GUI

Dynpros, Tabstrips with Scrolling on the Application Server

Dynpros, Text Output

Dynpros, Unconditional Module Call


Evaluating Character-Like Date Fields and Time Fields

Exception Handling in RFC

Exceptions, CATCH

Exceptions, RAISE

Exceptions, TRY

Extracts, Control Level Processing

Extracts, Determining Numbers and Totals

Extracts, Processing

Extremum Functions nmax, nmin



Field Symbols, Cast Structures

Field Symbols, Casting

Field Symbols, Casting Decimal Places

Field Symbols, Casting Predefined Data Types

Field Symbols, Dynamic Structure Components

Floating Point Numbers, Arithmetic Calculations

FOR, Basic Properties

FOR, Join

FOR, Local Auxiliary Fields

FOR, Multiple Rows

FOR, Nested Loops

Forward Associations in Mesh Paths


Generic and Full Typing


Identity Transformation to the asXML Format

Inheritance Events

Inner and Outer Joins

Insertions in Mesh Paths

Integer Power Function ipow

Internal Table, Appending Rows

Internal Tables, Deleting Duplicate Rows

Internal Tables, Deleting Rows Using Keys

Internal Tables, Deleting Rows Using the Index

Internal Tables, Index Access with Key Specified

Internal Tables, Index Function

Internal Tables, Inserting Rows

Internal Tables, Key Accesses

Internal Tables, Loop with Key Specified

Internal Tables, Nested Tables

Internal Tables, Output Area

Inverse Associations in Mesh Paths

iXML Library, Access to Adjacent Subnodes

iXML Library, Access to Attributes

iXML Library, Access Using a Node List

iXML Library, Access Using Name

iXML Library, Creating Nodes

iXML Library, Creating Simple Elements

iXML Library, DOM Representation

iXML Library, Down Casts

iXML Library, Filter for Iterator

iXML Library, Iterator for Attributes

iXML Library, Iterator for Element List

iXML Library, Iterator for Node List

iXML Library, Iterator for Nodes

iXML Library, Modify XML Documents

iXML Library, Object-Oriented Rendering

iXML Library, Parse to DOM

iXML Library, Render

iXML Library, Sequential Parsing

iXML Library, Token Parsers and Renderers, Table

iXML Library, Token Parsers and Renders, Iterative


JSON, asJSON (General)

JSON, asJSON for Additional XML Schema Data Types

JSON, asJSON for Anonymous Data Objects

JSON, asJSON for Elementary ABAP Types

JSON, asJSON for Internal Tables

JSON, asJSON for Object References

JSON, asJSON for Structures

JSON, Identity Transformation with JSONWriter as Target

JSON, Object Components in JSON-XML

JSON, Parse

JSON, Render

JSON, Simple Transformation for Internal Tables

JSON, Transforming Names


LET Expression

Listen, Linienelemente

Lists, Dialog Boxes

Lists, HIDE Technique

Lists, Page Header

Lists, Page Layout

Lists, Supported Colors

Lists, Using Colors

Locator, Access to Column Content

Locator, Copy Column

Locking and Unlocking

Logical Database, Associated with a Program

Logical Database, Call by Function Module

Loops Across Mesh Paths

Lossless Assignment

Lossless Calculations



Mesh Path Expressions

Method Chaining

Modified Serialization and Deserialization

MOVE-CORRESPONDING for Internal Tables


Multiple Joins


Numeric Functions


Parallel Asynchronous RFC

Passing Parameters

Persistence Service

Predicate Function, matches

Program Calls, Filling the Selection Screen

Program Calls, Influencing the Basic List

Program Generation


Query Service


Reader Stream, Read Database Table

Reading Data Using Cursors

Reflexive Associations in Mesh Paths

Regular Expressions

Rounding Function: Round

Runtime Measurement of Database Reads


SAP HANA, Database Procedure Proxy

SAP HANA, Datenbankprozedur aufrufen


SAP HANA, Währungskonvertierung mit SQLScript

SELECT, Dynamic ORDER-BY Clause

SELECT, Dynamic Token Specification

Selection Screens as Subscreens

Selection Screens in Tabstrips

Selection Screens, Basic Form of Selection Criteria

Selection Screens, Block Processing and Radio Button Processing

Selection Screens, Calling Standalone Selection Screens

Selection Screens, Changing the Default GUI Status

Selection Screens, Default Values for Selection Criteria

Selection Screens, Display Properties for Parameters

Selection Screens, Dynamic Dictionary Reference

Selection Screens, Field Help

Selection Screens, Input Help

Selection Screens, Pushbuttons

Selection Screens, Pushbuttons in the Application Toolbar

Selection Screens, Value Properties of Parameters

Selection Tables in the WHERE Clause

Sending a Message Using an Interface Reference Variable

Serialization to Heap or Embedded

Serializing Data References

Set Operations with Bit Sequences

Setting Associations for Mesh Paths

Setting the Text Environment

Shared Objects

Simple Transformation, Example of an ST Program

Simple Transformation, Internal Table

Simple Transformation, Mapping of XML Fragments

Simple Transformation, Method Call

Simple Transformation, Structures

Simple Transformation, tt:value

Sorting Internal Tables

Sorting Internal Tables Alphabetically

Sorting Internal Tables Dynamically

Sorting Internal Tables with Secondary Keys

Spooling Lists

SQL Expressions, Arithmetic Calculations

SQL Expressions, CASE and <(>&<)><(>&<)>

SQL Expressions, coalesce Function

SQL-Ausdrücke, Literal in SELECT-Liste

Static Native SQL

Step Loop

String Functions, count, find, and match

String Functions, distance

String Functions, escape for HTML

String Functions, escape for XSS

String Functions, shift and substring

String Functions, to_mixed and from_mixed

String Templates, Algebraic Sign

String Templates, asXML Format

String Templates, Control Characters

String Templates, Formatting Settings

String Templates, Length

String Templates, Numeric Texts

String Templates, Time Zones


Subscreens on Selection Screens


sXML Library, Formats

sXML Library, Methods for Token-Based Parsing

sXML Library, Modify XML Data

sXML Library, Namespace Declarations in Token-Based Rendering

sXML Library, Object-Oriented Parsing

sXML Library, Steps in Token-Based Parsing

sXML Library, Token-Based Parsing

sXML Library, Token-Based Rendering

sXML Library, Transformation from XML Reader

sXML Library, Transformation of Formats

sXML Library, Transformation to an XML Writer


Table Builds Using Mesh Paths

Table Comprehensions for Mesh Paths

Table Control with Modifications

Table Control with Scrolling

Table Expressions, Chainings

Table Expressions, Side Effects

Table Expressions, Specified Rows

Table Expressions, Writer Positions

Tabstrip Controls on Selection Screens

Transaction Call, BDC Table

Transaction Call, Dialog Transaction

Transaction Call, Report Transaction

Transaction Call, SPA/GPA Parameters

Transaction Service

Transformation of XML Element Names

Transformation of XML Syntax Characters



User Dialogs


WRITE, Cutoff Behavior

Writer Stream, Fill Database Table


XML Sources of Transformations

XML Targets of Transformations