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PDF 변환 소스

sapjoy 2006.12.20 14:46 조회 수 : 5455 추천:36

report zabap_2_pdf.
*-- Enhancements: only allow to be run with variant.  Then called
*-- program will be transparent to users
  mstr_print_parms like pri_params,
  mc_valid(1)      type c,
  mi_bytecount     type i,
  mi_length        type i,
  mi_rqident       like tsp01-rqident.
  mtab_pdf    like tline occurs 0 with header line,
  mc_filename like rlgrap-filename.
  p_repid like sy-repid, " Report to execute
  p_linsz like sy-linsz default 132, " Line size
  p_paart like sy-paart default 'X_65_132'.  " Paper Format
concatenate 'c:'
  into mc_filename.
*-- Setup the Print Parmaters
  call function 'GET_PRINT_PARAMETERS'
     authority= space
     copies   = '1'
     cover_page                   = space
     data_set = space
     department                   = space
     destination                  = space
     expiration                   = '1'
     immediately                  = space
     in_archive_parameters        = space
     in_parameters                = space
     layout   = space
     mode     = space
     new_list_id                  = 'X'
     no_dialog= 'X'
     user     = sy-uname
     out_parameters               = mstr_print_parms
     valid    = mc_valid
     archive_info_not_found       = 1
     invalid_print_params         = 2
     invalid_archive_params       = 3
     others   = 4.
*-- Make sure that a printer destination has been set up
*-- If this is not done the PDF function module ABENDS
  if mstr_print_parms-pdest = space.
    mstr_print_parms-pdest = 'LOCL'.
*-- Explicitly set line width, and output format so that
*-- the PDF conversion comes out OK
  mstr_print_parms-linsz = p_linsz.
  mstr_print_parms-paart = p_paart.
  submit (p_repid) to sap-spool without spool dynpro
                   spool parameters mstr_print_parms
                   via selection-screen
                   and return.
*-- Find out what the spool number is that was just created
  perform get_spool_number using sy-repid
    changing mi_rqident.
*-- Convert Spool to PDF
  call function 'CONVERT_ABAPSPOOLJOB_2_PDF'
      src_spoolid= mi_rqident
      no_dialog  = space
      dst_device = mstr_print_parms-pdest
      pdf_bytecount                  = mi_bytecount
      pdf        = mtab_pdf
      err_no_abap_spooljob           = 1
      err_no_spooljob                = 2
      err_no_permission              = 3
      err_conv_not_possible          = 4
      err_bad_destdevice             = 5
      user_cancelled                 = 6
      err_spoolerror                 = 7
      err_temseerror                 = 8
      err_btcjob_open_failed         = 9
      err_btcjob_submit_failed       = 10
      err_btcjob_close_failed        = 11
      others     = 12.
call function 'DOWNLOAD'
          bin_filesize            = mi_bytecount
          filename                = mc_filename
          filetype                = 'BIN'
          act_filename            = mc_filename
          data_tab                = mtab_pdf.
*       FORM get_spool_number *
*       Get the most recent spool created by user/report              *
*  -->  F_REPID               *
*  -->  F_UNAME               *
*  -->  F_RQIDENT             *
form get_spool_number using f_repid
                changing f_rqident.
    lc_rq2name like tsp01-rq2name.
  concatenate f_repid+0(8)
    into lc_rq2name separated by '_'.
  select * from tsp01 where  rq2name = lc_rq2name
  order by rqcretime descending.
    f_rqident = tsp01-rqident.
  if sy-subrc ne 0.
    clear f_rqident.
endform." get_spool_number
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