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SAP 한국 커뮤니티

report zsalv_030 .

sapjoy 2010.08.20 11:00 조회 수 : 2331


report  zsalv_030                                 .

*       CLASS lcl_handle_events DEFINITION
class lcl_handle_events definition.
  public section.
      on_double_click for event double_click of cl_salv_events_table
        importing row column.
endclass.                    "lcl_handle_events DEFINITION
*       CLASS lcl_handle_events IMPLEMENTATION
class lcl_handle_events implementation.
  method on_double_click.
    perform show_cell_info using row column '더블 클릭하였습니다.'.
  endmethod.                    "on_double_click
endclass.                    "lcl_handle_events IMPLEMENTATION

data gt_itab    type table of sflight.
data gr_table   type ref to cl_salv_table.
data gr_event   type ref to lcl_handle_events.


  select * from sflight into table gt_itab
  up to 25 rows.

      r_salv_table = gr_table
      t_table      = gt_itab ).

  data lr_event type ref to cl_salv_events_table.
  lr_event = gr_table->get_event( ).

  create object gr_event.
  set handler gr_event->on_double_click for lr_event.

  gr_table->display( ).
*&      Form  SHOW_CELL_INFO
form show_cell_info using p_row    type i
                          p_column type lvc_fname
                          p_text   type string.

  data: l_row        type char10.

  write p_row to l_row left-justified.

  concatenate l_row '번째 라인의' p_column '컬럼을' p_text
  into p_text separated by space.

  message i000(0k) with p_text.

endform.                    " show_cell_info
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