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SAP 한국 커뮤니티

report zunicode_031.

sapjoy 2008.11.21 16:25 조회 수 : 2684

report  zunicode_031.

data : l_text(3) type c,
       l_len      type i.

data : seltab  type table of rsparams with header line.

data: buffer1 type xstring,
      buffer2 type xstring,
      p_buf1(100) type c,
      p_buf2(100) type c,
      conv type ref to cl_abap_conv_out_ce.

conv = cl_abap_conv_out_ce=>create(
                            encoding = '8500'
                            endian = 'B'
data xstr_len type i.
data: off_len      type i.
constants: blank(1) type x value '20'.

l_text = '가나다'.
l_len  = strlen( l_text ).

conv->convert( exporting data = l_text
               importing buffer = buffer1 ).

conv->convert( exporting data = l_len
               importing buffer = buffer2 ).


* Output buffers with converted data call up
xstr_len = xstrlen( buffer1 ).

xstr_len = xstrlen( buffer1 ).

if l_len > xstr_len.
  off_len = l_len - xstr_len.
  do off_len times.
    concatenate buffer1 blank into buffer1 in byte mode.
  buffer1 = buffer1+0(l_len).

p_buf1 = buffer1.
p_buf2 = buffer2.

clear seltab.
seltab-selname = 'P_BUF1'.
seltab-kind    =  'P'.
seltab-sign    = 'I'.
seltab-option  = 'EQ'.
seltab-low     = p_buf1.
append seltab.

clear seltab.
seltab-selname = 'P_BUF2'.
seltab-kind    =  'P'.
seltab-sign    = 'I'.
seltab-option  = 'EQ'.
seltab-low     = p_buf2.
append seltab.

submit zunicode_032
       with selection-table seltab 
       via selection-screen
 and return.

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
311 Sub DOI_EXCEL_MACRO() sapjoy 2008.12.26 3312
310 Sub DOI_MACRO() sapjoy 2008.12.26 2842
309 DOI_002.doc [3] file sapjoy 2008.12.26 2233
308 doi_create [1] sapjoy 2008.12.25 3044
307 REPORT zsapdoi_001. [2] sapjoy 2008.12.20 3137
306 REPORT Z07_026 [3] sapjoy 2006.12.08 2632
305 Include ZXQEVU10 sapjoy 2008.12.17 2156
304 Include ZXCSAU05 sapjoy 2008.12.17 2166
303 FIELD_EXIT_STCD2_0 sapjoy 2008.12.16 2793
302 FIELD_EXIT_GSBER_I sapjoy 2008.12.16 2625
301 Include ZXCSAU05 sapjoy 2008.12.15 2587
300 INCLUDE ZXF04U01 sapjoy 2008.12.15 3697
299 INLUCDE ZXAISU02 sapjoy 2008.12.15 2962
298 REPORT z_userexit_01 sapjoy 2008.12.14 2656
297 REPORT ZSMARTFORMS_01. sapjoy 2008.11.26 2582
296 report zunicode_035. sapjoy 2008.11.21 2541
295 report zunicode_034. [1] sapjoy 2008.11.21 2736
294 report zunicode_032. sapjoy 2008.11.21 2634
» report zunicode_031. sapjoy 2008.11.21 2684
292 report zunicode_030. sapjoy 2008.11.21 2416