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출고처리를 하려는데 아래와 같은 메세지가 뜨면서, 처리되지 않네요

평가테이블(MBEW) 와 재고테이블(MARD,MCHB)의 데이타를 보니까,

재고테이블에는 재고가 존재하는데 평가테이블에는 재고가 없어요.

스탠다드에러 같은데, 어떻게 처리해야 할지,,, 난감하군요.

방법좀 알려 주세요.





평가된 재고가 마이너스가 됩니다: 90.000- -> 장문을 보십시오

메시지 번호 M7314


When a goods movement or an incoming invoice is entered, the system simulates the update of the valuation data in the material master record. The current simulation indicates that this posting would lead to a negative stock quantity (or a negative sales value) although negative stocks are not allowed for this material.


You cannot post this item. Therefore, terminate current processing.

Display the material master record (accounting data).
Check the price, stock value, and stock quantity (also for the previous month, if required).

Display the material documents and the accounting documents for the material and check whether the stock quantity is realistic.

If the stock value does not correspond to the stock quantity, data inconsistencies may exist.

Please contact SAP Support via SAPNet R/3 Frontend as soon as possible.   <= 어떻게 연락하죠?

Support requires the following information from you:

  • ID and number of this error message (M7 3XX)

  • Material number and plant

  • Total stock and its value (see the accounting data in the material master record)


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