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PP [KSPP] 부분 activity 전송

몽스페밀리 2021.12.07 17:52 조회 수 : 2685



KSPP 에서 엑티비티 전송시에 전체가 아닌 부분만 전송되고 있습니다.


내역은 아래와 같은데 해결 할수 있는 방법이 있는지 문의 드립니다.


Partial transfer only of activity quantities to plan/SOP order 223291355.

Message no. KP602


During termination of the plan or SOP order 223291355, start date 2021.12.07 and end date 2022.02.01 were found.
This is not entirely within the transfer timeframe of 012 - 012/2021 for activity quantities in Cost Center Accounting (CO-CCA).

This problem occurs when the logistical planning process is made on a basis other than monthly. Here, plan or SOP orders were created for periods only partially in the start or ending periods.


Weekly logistical planning results in plan orders created for the week of 30 Dec 1996 to 3 Jan 1997. During transfer of activity quantities for 1997 to CO-CCA, the plan order quantities can only be taken partially into account. The 1997 quantities are included, while those in 1996 are not transferred.

System Response

Activity quantities for plan or SOP order 223291355 are transferred only partially. Those not transferred are identified separately in the results list.


Check whether further reconciliation between CO-CCA and long-term, requirements, and preliminary planning is necessary.

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